Chapter 10

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Shimmering silk flowed over my body as I dressed in the traditional gown that Azure had left out for me.

I knew not how he could have found such a thing or where it had come from, but it was gorgeous. With a slender strap to hold it to my shoulder with a long trail of silk that trailed the ground, it enveloped every curve of my body.

My hands shook the slightest bit as I smoothed them down the soft material of the gown. It was silver, a perfect match to my scales.

This was really going happening to me. Finally I would take the final step toward my crown and by my side would stand the most powerful dragon of the entire world. None could say me nay now.

I would move into the next steps of my life, with an eternal partner of my choice and live the life I want to live.

It finally sank in after all this time since I eradicated the beasts, I was finally free.

The relief that washed through me brough me to tears. They pooled in my eyes until their silently ran over. I tipped my head back, closing my eyes against the tears and basked in the emotions running amuck inside of me.

"Hazelin?" his voice echoed in the vast bedchamber entrance where I had been preparing. It was a question to whether or not I had bolted. If I was still here.

"I am still here," I said softly, still facing away from the door. We were both dragons and I knew he would hear my voice even form this distance. Perhaps his hearing is even better to make up for his lack of sight.

He walked into the room following the path my voice had taken to him. I was speechless as I saw him approach.

He was bedecked in grand white robes of royalty with silver treads shot through them, a gold circlet engraved with a beautiful pattern upon his brow and his hair pulled back at the nape of his neck with a leather thong to bare his proud horns.

Azure stopped mere feet away from me, held out his hand to me and I spent no time wasted in placing my hand in his. His long figures closed around mine and a small smile crossed his lips.

"You stayed," he said quietly.

"But of course I stayed. I want you," I said with a soft laugh.

"Are you ready?" Had he just growled under his breath?

"Oh yes." I pulled him down to me so I could kiss his scared cheek. "Let us go."

He pulled back in surprise, then surprised me by grinning almost foolishly. He looked so young and youthful then, almost boyish.

"Before we go I have a surprise for you." He reached within his robes and pulled out another circlet that made my breath hitch.

It was silver, slender, carved with the same patterns of his, but that was not what had made my breath freeze. It was the glowing yellow sapphire stone in the center of the head piece.

My nails sharped to claws and curled. I wanted it with a desire I didn't understand. I was instantly drawn to it in awe.

"Beautiful," I breathed.

With the precession of a man who could see perfectly he slid it into place with his warm fingers, the warm glowing stone rested upon my lower forehead.

"It was my mother's favored piece, gifted to her by my father. It was a Tear of the Sun that he froze with his soul magic for her," he said softly.

So in asking for the moon and stars, this sweet dragon had given me the frozen heart of a real star.

Tears sprung unbidden to my eyes, and I tried to bat them away without him noticing. "Thank you, Azure. I shall treasure and protect it always."

"Let us proceed then, Princess Hazelin," he said grandly with a deep bow to me, before taking my hand in his much large one, twining our fingers.

Never did he let go of my hand after that as he led me through the heart of the palace. It was not long until we came upon the Throne Room.

Candles were lit around the room, casting warm silvery glows into the air and on the walls in dazzling patters as they flickered. Florals graced every surface I could see. He had done this for me.

I looked up at him with longing, but he was purposefully looking away. I squeezed his hand.

After a moment he looked at me and squeezed my hand back. He was embarrassed that he had done this for me. Waiting to see what my response was.

"No one has ever done such for me before," I whispered in awe, teary again. Damn the man anyway.

He led me forward until we were at the bottom of the final step leading up to the throne dais, before he turned us, so we were face to face, next to it.

"Be not afraid of this. Of me," he whispered before he took hold of both of my hands.

A sudden wave of blue power shot from our bodies in an arcing wave of raw magic, and he looked up were the throne laid, unused for so long.

"I call upon the Mother of Dragons to bless this bonding and mating," he voice was clear and strong as he spoke the words. He looked down to me. His silted pupil azure blue eyes, so much like a snake's, sent a trill down my spine as they always did when upon me. "I claim thee, Hazelin, in this bonding as my mate. Forever shall I fight beside you and love you. Forever thine, forever mine, forever ours."

Shocked by his words I stumbled over my vows, and started over again with a blush. He had spoken in Words of Power which meant his words were true spoken, could never be broken. So I must do the same for him.

I looked him in the eyes and moved our hands so I could cup his face between them. "I claim thee, Azure, in our bonding as my mate. Forever shall I protect you, always be by your side," I swallowed, "and love you eternally."

My voice had come out clear but a bit pinched in the end. Love had never been in the plans, but my Words would compel me to complete them until they were the truth to a fault. So never could they be a lie.

"Close your eyes," he whispered.

I did. Then I felt the prick of his fangs on my slender throat in the joint between my shoulder and blood flowed free.

After a feral growl and a few more swipe of his forked tongue he bent down to his knees. I opened my eyes as he smooth his hair from his neck baring his pale neck to me.

"Do the same to me," he commended softly.

I felt my eyes shift to dragon's eyes like his were and my tiny fangs sharpen and elongate, as I bent to his neck.

"Don't!" someone yelled from the entrance way.

I paused long enough to look, to see Shanyula, smirk and then pierce Azure neck cheerfully. I licked up the blood that flowed and a wave of euphoria rushed throughout my body.

Shanyula flashed before me crying, "Do you know what you have done, you stupid child!"

Azure picked me up from where I was ready to rip the wisp apart and set me behind him.

"Leave my mate alone, wisp," he growled.

Shanyula peeked around him to me and then back to Azure. "She just broke a blood convent with a bodiless god in the body of a powerful mage. Thanks to you she will have to pay the price and it will be steep!"

"Then let him come and find his fate against me," Azure rumbled, "begone with you."

"You have been warned!" the wisp snapped before he disappeared into mist.

I looked to Azure who was stiff with anger and laid a hand on his shoulder. He relax immediately at my touch and took me up into his arms.

"We leave for your home at dawn, but tonight is ours. Tell me, my young dragoness, what form pleases you most. Dragon or mortal?"

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