Chapter One

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I am used to being on my own it is how it has been my entire life. My mom had me young. She only wanted to drink and party until she died when I was 3. I grew up in San Diego I bounced around the foster system until I aged out of the system. When I turned 18 was when I found out who my father was Sergeant David Kay LAPD S.W.A.T. I chose not to track him down tho. I joined the military and served 3 years in the Marines. I quickly climbed the ranks to Sergeant. When I got discharged at 22 I applied to the San Diego Police Academy. It was there where I met my boyfriend Jason. He wasn't always the man he is today. In the beginning he was sweet and charming but after our son Leo was born he changed at first it was a slap here and there. But It got worst when he didn't get picked for S.W.A.T. Academy and I did. Last night tho he was at his worst. I made S.W.A.T. but what Jason doesn't know is I put in to work in LA where my father works. My son is 9 months old and last night was the first time he ever hit him. We are leaving before Jason gets worse. I got between him and Leo and he beat me until I passed out.

I wake up in a pool of my own blood. I feel dizzy but I get up and go and grab Leo and I grab our hidden packed bags. Leo's favourite stuff animal and blanket my car keys I quickly load it into my Challenger before I buckle Leo up in his car seat. I quickly run back in to change my clothes before I run and get in the car I start it before I start the trip to LA which takes 3 hours. We will go to the hospital there for me to get checked out. I finally pull up to the hospital late at night and I see a S.W.A.T. team standing out front. I unbuckle Leo. A blonde haired man sees how unsteady I am he walks over. I hand him Leo as I fall into him from blood loss.
"You ok sweetheart. I am officer Luca with LAPD S.W.A.T. Deacon!" He says. Another man comes running over as Leo starts crying. Deacon grabs him and the man I fell into picks me up and runs into the hospital as I pass out.

I wake up a bit later to a hospital monitor. I slowly open my eyes. I look over and see the man Luca called Deacon sitting awake with my son asleep on his chest. He looks over and smiles when he sees I am awake.
"Hey. Luca just went to get some coffee. Little man here wouldn't let me go. I am Sergeant Kay. The doctors had to give you a blood transfusion they said you were bleeding for hours before you came to a doctor." He says.
"I know I was. But I had to get away from San Diego. My ex is a cop I knew if I was going to get us both safe. I had to get here. No point beating around it since I will be working in S.W.A.T. as of tomorrow. I am Charlie I have been assigned to 20 squad." I say.
"Damn they told us we were getting a transfer from San Diego but not a woman. Man I can't wait to see Hondo and Tan's faces." Deacon says with a laugh.
"What happened anyway?" Deacon asks.
"My ex boyfriend was abusive. He has gotten worst over the years. 8 months ago he gotten even worse when he didn't get into S.W.A.T. Academy and I did. Last night he found out I made S.W.A.T. and he lost it he hit Leo and I stopped him and he beat me until I passed out. I woke up in a pool of my own blood. Luckily when I found out I made S.W.A.T. I requested to be put here in LA so I could escape him.I grabbed Leo and left." I reply. I can see Deacon is pissed especially when I mentioned Leo being hit. I slowly sit up.
"How old is Leo?" He asks.
"9 months old." I reply. Just then Deacon's phone rings he answers it.
He talks for a few minutes with what sounds like his wife before he hangs up. It makes me think I did the right thing when I was 18 and found out he was my father that I did not track him down and get to know him. As much as I have always craved a father figure I can't do it I can't ruin his life.
"You have a place yet?" Deacon asks.
"No I am staying at hotel not far from S.W.A.T. HQ. I found a daycare willing to take Leo." I say.
"Nope not happening let me call Hondo. I am sure my wife would be willing to watch this little guy I have a child not much older than him." Deacon says before I hear him on the phone. 10 minutes later I see a dark skinned man walk in.
"I am Hondo you must be Charlie you gave my team quite a scare when you passed out in Luca's arms.Deacon explained you had no place to stay other than a hotel. I have a spare room you can use until you find a place." Hondo says with a smile. He gently takes Leo from Deacon. Leo snuggles up to Hondo.
"He is just adorable. Deac did you speak with Annie?" Hondo asks.
"Calling her now." Deacon says dialling. He has a short conversation before he hangs up.
"Annie agreed. We take care of our S.W.A.T. family Charlie. It will offer you protection if your ex comes looking he will not get through Hondo." Deacon says and I nod and smile at him. I slowly stand up and go into the bathroom and change back into my clothes. The doctor comes in and I sign my discharge papers. Deacon helps me walk since my leg hurts a bit. I unlock my car as we walk out of the hospital Deacon looks at it in awe.
"Is that a Dodge Challenger HellCat?" Deacon asks and I nod.
"When I turned 18 I inherited a lot of money. It had been sitting in an account since I was 3 when my mom died. I decided to treat myself and bought her." I say.

"It is beautiful

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"It is beautiful." Deacon says. Hondo buckles Leo up into his car seat.
"Deacon drive her to my house she is in no state to drive and in this city I would not leave that car parked outside of a garage we will park it in my garage." Hondo says
I sigh and hand Deacon the keys. I slide into the passenger seat. As Deacon climbs into the drivers seat. He starts the engine and we follow Hondo to his house. When we get to Hondo's house Deacon pulls the car into Hondo's garage before we turn it off. He pops the trunk and Hondo and Deacon grab the bags and Leo's play pen. I unbuckle Leo and grab his blanket and his stuff animal. I push the passenger seat back before Deacon locks the car and Hondo places a tarp over the car. And closes the garage door. I walk in a see Deacon had set up the play pen in the living room. Hondo gently takes Leo from me and lays him down in his bed and covers him up with his blanket and places his stuffed animal in there with him. Deacon leaves. I yawn so Hondo shows me to the spare room I am out as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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