chapter three.

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the way she smiled at him made him feel so dizzy. when she walked, it was like she was just floating along. she was so easygoing, so calm. and he just couldn't help but be interested in her. who could? she was so.. everything. her eyes were like the bark of a tree, such a warm shade of brown. her hair was like wheat, flowing down her shoulders. kai lenore was his treasure, and all he wanted to do was keep her safe. that's all he ever wanted to do.

he and jenny soon got a call that her diner was being robbed. all he wanted to know was if she was safe. he sped over to the home-like place, his breathing shaky. worry clouded his mind. he knew how robberies went down, especially with someone like her. he didn't want to see her hurt over her prized possession, that diner. his brows furrowed with a sort of serious worry as he exited his car, his hand resting on the gun in his belt. slow steps, slower and slower as he approached. until he reached the door. the glass on one door was partially broken. not shattered completely, but still damaged and cracked. he slowly put his hand around the handle and carefully opened the door. glass crunched under his boots as he stepped inside. an absent gun laid right in front of him, and he slowly kicked it aside for later. they'd collect their evidence once he made sure everyone was okay. some worried customers were sitting under the counter, or under the table at their booth.

one of them pointed to the counter. he figured someone would be behind there. he prayed that it wasn't her. he stepped behind, his eyes widening a bit at the sight. the familiar blonde knelt beside who he assumed was the perpetrator. her knees were cut up from the broken glass, and her nose was bleeding onto her lip and bruised on the top. she had her hands and arms pressed against his, keeping them behind his back. after a moment of heavy breathing, she looked up at him.
" i got him. "
she was clearly exhausted.
" i got pistol whipped, but i'm alright. just a little bit of blood, that ain't hurt nobody. "
she attempted to lighten the mood. he called jenny and had her bring an ambulance and a few more people from the station along.

kai soon took a seat on the back of the ambulance, letting them focus on bandaging her cut and bloody knees. her nose hurt the most out of everything. it thankfully wasn't broken, but it was surely bruised. before they took her to the hospital for an overall evaluation, beau came over to check up on her. his expression was full of worry.
" you uh.. you were really brave for that. "
he spoke, exhaling a breath that he didn't realize he had been holding in. she pulled him close for a moment, wrapping her arms around him.
" you got here at the right time. "
she spoke quietly. his face heated up at the contact, but he held her delicately in his arms, being careful that he wouldn't hurt her accidentally. soon, she let go and was headed off to the hospital to get checked over.

beau sat back at his desk, filing the report and all the witness accounts from the incident. hearing how things had gone down, it was.. wild. kai had tried to talk the guy down first, and when he hit her the first time, she sprung on him. that was wild to hear. somehow, she seemed to rock bruises and blood so well. even if it wasn't a good thing, she still looked good like that. he had a feeling that she'd been quite the girl once in her life. she had to have been. he was relieved she was alright and not fatally injured. damn, she was a hothead. he wondered if that was how she handled robberies all the time.

by the time he was off shift, he headed to her house to check in on her. yeah, maybe he was worrying a little too much, but he couldn't help it. beau liked to check in on people he cared about. losing people wasn't exactly on his list of favorites. he slowly drove up to her house. he'd been there once before, but it wasn't too bad. yes, she lived in a trailer, but it looked good. numerous little flowerpots outside were full of blossoming flowers, lights were strung around the top of it, and it was just so cozy inside. there was a small kitchen, a small bedding area, and a place to sit. it was perfect for one or two people. he stood there and knocked upon the door. a bouquet was held in his hands. it was common courtesy to get his recovering friend a few flowers.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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