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Hello reader! Thanks for checking out chapter 1 of 14 of my first book "The Falling Stars". As a disclaimer, what you just read is not the final/official first chapter of the book. The final version may have some slight different wording or additions than this does, but mostly yes, what you read is what you'll read in the official book. I'm pretty sure if anything the only difference is fixed typos and maybe a few extended sentences. This is the first of several books (at least 10) that I plan on releasing, to be the storyline of the anime I intend to create. Chaos of The Falling Stars will be the official name of this series, and I can't wait to get into that line of content creation. However, this is still just my first book, and I'm not exactly in any position to be making a huge televised animated series. If you'd like to support me, I'll be updating this page soon with a link that'll take you to Kindle Books, as well as my Patreon where you can support me directly if you wish! As soon as I can, I'll also begin to do some Twitch streaming where I casually play random games while people ask me about my plans with the books, as well as details on how I've gone to create this massive series. As a side note, this is 1 of 2 series I'm making, and the other series will be just as large as this one. Twenty books total (for now), around 100,000-200,000 words. Roughly 2.5 Million words at the end of it all. Whether if I'm paid or not, I intend to see this to the end, at least with getting all of the books finished in book format. The latter wouldn't be possible without your help, and I deeply appreciate anyone who cares to support me, even if just a little. To shed some light on that, I'm simply in a very tough financial situation, and living in not so very good living conditions. It's me taking care of 3 other disabled people, not including myself, and I do it entirely alone. It's made things extremely difficult. If you can't support me with money, that's okay! Even just sharing this to other people, whether with a link or by word, would help me tremendously, and would be just as appreciated. I thank you all for coming along with me on this new journey.

To give you an idea of what this book is like, all I have to say is if you love Dragon Ball Z, you'll love this. While inspired by many great works, Dragon Ball Z would be the top of the list. I watched it growing up, and I've adored every bit of it, being the absolute best anime there is in my opinion. My books are inspired by many movies, some animes, even some cartoons, as well as games, but what I base this book off of is my life. The main character will be going through things that will pan out in a way that paints the way my life has turned out, in obviously dramatized ways, but that's something I'll explain later. This book was sparked by a very bizarre dream I had one night, and for reasons unknown, that dream kicked my adhd brain into gear, and it lead to me creating this. I hope you all enjoy this journey very thoroughly, should you decide to come along. Thank you once again, and I look forward to creating these huge new universes for you to explore!

The book is still currently in its final stages of being released publicly through Kindle Books , so the link isn't yet available. The Patreon page is also being developed as well. Want to help out? Share this with as many people as you possibly can! Post it, share it, talk about it, get a little hype going with me! I'm going to be sharing this on Facebook, Twitch, YouTube, Twitter/X, and wherever else I can think of! I'm not paying to advertise this (yet, I might later on) so any help I can get will go a long ways. It's my hopes that I'll be able to turn this into something huge to share with the world, as well as have it help me take care of my family. I'll post some links here soon though, I just have to work on setting everything up. I can tell you, I personally think this will be worth the cost, and the wait. People who I've shown this to continue to tell me that they think this could turn out to be something huge, and I've shown it to and heard back from more than a couple hundred people, so that has my hopes up. A couple hundred is nothing in the scale of thousands and millions, but I like to think that they're not wrong. If you want to hear even more details, just hold out, because like I said above, I intend on bringing more information to both YouTube and Twitch (mostly) to get to where I can interact with people beyond just text. Thanks for your time, and get ready to take a jump into the next biggest anime!

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