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To say the least, Titan's mind was occupied heavily throughout the trip back to Saturn's orbit.

Titania and the others found them before they left for Saturn, and noticing Cupid, they all decided to leave together. Cupid having to drag Titan out of the Asteroid belt because of what she said to him about the Earth's Moon and him being in love. She didn't tell the others about it, though, which Titan was silently grateful for, he didn't want Titania to talk endlessly about it and playfully bully him.

But all that in mind, Titan didn't understand it.

Was this feeling really love? He thought it was just... longing. Longing to be friends with Luna, not... be together with him—

Dear Helios, just thinking about it makes his core heat up more, his surfaces getting too hot to handle and he felt like exploding or colliding into an asteroid just to feel something that isn't burning heat from thinking about Luna.

The Earth would never allow that, not after what he's done with the Moon Revolution. Sure the Earth said he wanted to be friends with him, or try to, but that's just— that doesn't seem like something he would allow. He would never allow Titan to even get close to Luna, it's obvious he cares for him a lot.

Titan can't. He just can't. It's impossible.

"Titan?" Saturn nudged him a little with his rings, trying to get his attention. Titan looked over to see him and the moons watching him in worry, and Titan felt embarrassed. Saturn continued, "Everything alright? You've been silent ever since you came back. You didn't even say goodbye to your friends."

He didn't even realize Titania and them left already. He'd been so focused on Luna that he- oh... He's a terrible friend... What is wrong with him? Forgetting to say goodbye? They must've felt so awkward when he just stared into nothingness when they said goodbye.

He's not even realizing what's happening to himself, he's shaking again, but he doesn't know if it's fear like last time. Or self-hatred, maybe it's anger, or stress over what he feels. He can't hear anything that's happening, the worried voices of his planet and the moons turning into more so panic than anything else.

Titan can't hear anything. His vision is obscured, he can't see anything. Blinded by panic and violently shaking. He doesn't hear the screams of Saturn, how it alerts the other gas giant, how all of the moons are surrounding him trying to wake him up.

Wake up, Titan.

"He'll be okay, Saturn..." Jupiter reasoned, "It seemed like it was just destress and panic, he's only asleep. He'll wake up soon after some much needed rest. He might've needed it."

"I just..." Saturn cried out, "I'm worried. He's having a hard time right now and I don't know what to do to help him. Something must've happened in the Asteroid belt when they went looking for a lost moon. I'm scared, Jupiter."

"He's fine," Ganymede mumbled quietly in annoyance, resulting in a nudge from Callisto to shut him up.

"He's stressed out, Ganymede. Probably because of you and your stupid advice getting to him," Callisto argued.

"Excuse me?!" Ganymede shrieked.

"Guys," Jupiter said sternly, "Be quiet."

"Yes, Jupiter," Callisto and Ganymede said together without hesitance, backing off and staying silent. Going back to Io and Europa.

Saturn tilted, "You... sure disciplined them."

"Just a small punishment for taking things too far with the revolution. Nothing major or harmful, don't worry, Saturn," Jupiter said.

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