13. Bookshop

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March 24, 8:15 Am

"Oh shit! 8:15!" Taehyung squeals jumping out of the bed in horror. Cursing loudly, he runs to the bathroom and quickly brushes his teeth. Stepping out, he rushes to the wardrobe and hastily opens it. He picks a random white shirt and pants and throws them to the desk chair before starting to look for his socks. "Ah! Where is it's pair!" He groans, ruffling in the drawer.

Jungkook wakes up hearing Taehyung's annoyed whispers. He opens his eyes to see the older sitting crouched down by the wardrobe, hurriedly searching for something. "Hyung, what's wrong?" He asks sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Oh! Jungkookie! Can you duplicate this?" Taehyung asks holding up a sock.

"Oh...okay," Jungkook mutters the charm, staring at the sock. 'Geminio'

"Thank you!" Taehyung squeals throwing the pair of socks to the chair and hurriedly pulling his t-shirt off of his head. Jungkook watches the older with a slightly open mouth and he feels blood rush to his face. He looks away and shakes his head. "What's wrong, hyung? Are you in a haste to go to the hospital?" He asks as Taehyung picks up the shirt from the chair.

"Yeah, I had to reach there before 8:30. But it's already 8:20 and with the morning traffic, it'll take more than forty minutes to drive there," Taehyung says whilst wearing the shirt. It buttons up by itself and he looks up and smiles at Jungkook. The next second, he has also changed into his pants and his pyjama lies on the chair.

"Oh! You forgot this!" Taehyung says picking up his boxers from the chair.

"Oh.." Jungkook mumbles and utters a spell. The boxers disappear from Taehyung's hands. The underwear he was wearing earlier lies on the chair over the pyjamas. Still Taehyung tugs at his pants and makes sure he is wearing the boxers. Then he looks up at the wizard and grins. "Thank you, Jungkookie. I'll be back before 4:30. There's yesterday's Kimchi and fried chicken in the fridge. It's only a little. You'll have to increase it. Heat it and have it along with your banana milkshake. And there are also apples and grapes in the fridge. Wash them and eat them while you watch TV, okay?"

"Hmm..okay," Jungkook nods and looks at the older's hair, fixing it nicely.

"Okay, I'll call you later. Sleep for a little more," Taehyung says and grabs his coat from the chair before grabbing his keys, phone and watch from the table. The watch rolls itself around his wrist and he just offers Jungkook another smile before walking towards the door.

"Hold! Hyung, do you want to apparate there?" Jungkook asks.

"Apparate?" Taehyung asks turning around with a frown. "You mean teleportation?"

"Yeah, we can reach there in two seconds," Jungkook says.

"Oh! That's really possible?! Is it safe?" Taehyung asks in surprise.

"Yeah, but you may feel a touch of dizziness for a few moments," Jungkook replies.

"It's okay," Taehyung quickly says. "I wanna try it!

"Then let's apparate to your cabin?" Jungkook asks.

"Yeah, okay!" Taehyung nods, excited.

Jungkook smiles and summons his wand. Then he climbs out of the bed and stretches his hand. "Hyung, hold my hand tightly and close your eyes."

"Okay," Taehyung nods and takes the younger's hand before closing his eyes. Suddenly, he feels himself spin rapidly and the next moment he hears Jungkook's faint whisper, asking him to open his eyes. He opens his eyes and instantly loses balance but Jungkook quickly holds him by his waist and prevents him from falling. "Hyung, you shall be well in a few minutes," The wizard says, looking in his eyes whilst holding him tightly.

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