Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

          The girl was standing on the track field next to the forest. She did this often and didn't think much of the forest next to her. It was thick with trees, bushes, and underbrush. But over the years of living in the small town, she had never had a problem with the forest or it's inhabitants before.

          She carried a canister of bear repellent in her gym bag. Just simply because her father was overprotective and overbearing. It wasn't uncommon to see a small black bear in those woods. But they were small and more afraid of the humans, than the humans were of them. One only feared them if they happened to come across a mother and her cubs.

          They had no idea that much deeper in the thick wilderness and mountains that surrounded their town, lived something much scarier. Something stronger than a bear. Something that only comes this close to the human world on very rare occasions.

          They had no clue that the beast that only came out of the woods a few times in its life, had chosen today. The beast lurked close to the treeline watching the beautiful young girl as she worked out. He watched intently as she stretched her muscles. She reached down touching her toes, leaving her ass high in the air, unaware of the prying eyes. The predator's eyes stayed focused on their prey. Only leaving her as he watched for other people that could possibly interfere with his plans.

          The girl named Brinn, began running the field. Her large breasts bounced despite the sports bra she had them tightly packed in. The beast noted the size of them, thinking of how useful they would be to feed his cubs and to serve his sexual needs. He noted her wide hips that would surely bring forth many healthy cubs, in as many litters as possible. He noted her healthy lifestyle as she ran, hoping this would make her tough enough to survive the many years of breeding that he would use her for. His body began getting antsy as he became excited to ensure his bloodline.

          Brinn was frustrated with the thick fog that plagued the small town. It made the air thick and moist. She hated how the moisture in the air made her skin sticky. What she did not know was that she should have feared the fog. For the fog would be used to keep the beast from being seen by anyone, who would want to lend her aid, once his plan was put into action.

          The beast crept forward making little to no noise as he moved along the forest floor. His tail swayed as he got closer to the track field. The girl came around the corner of the field, completely unaware of the impending danger. As she ran closer to the entrance of the woods he exited the trees.

          The moment she was within reach the beast leapt from his crouched position and knocked Brinn to the ground. She screamed for help, but the beast was too fast. They would be long gone before anyone came to her rescue. He hit her in the back of the head knocking her out, making her easier to carry back to her new home. He used his human arms to help pick her up and throw her over his shoulder with ease. He ran back into the woods using 2 legs, leaving her belongings on the bench across the field.

          He carried her with ease as he ran through the forest. At some point he decided to climb into the trees and keep moving. It was the fastest way to move through the forest due to the underbrush at the forest floor. They eventually made it to the side of the mountain's cliff. He stared up at the rocky vertical drop and grabbed onto the side of the mountain. He stepped off the branch he was balanced on and began to climb the mountain with ease. The girl dangled over his shoulder unconscious, as he used his arms and legs to climb. He used his tail to sway from side to side and help him balance.

          He climbed well above the treeline and eventually above the fog bank. On the side of the mountain he climbed into a cave that he had found earlier. He had never used a cave like this to live in. He lived high up in mountains where he loved to sleep under the stars. A cave was never a thing he needed for protection. He was a top predator, something that any other animal would be stupid to challenge.

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