Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Brinn woke up alone. The male who had forced her to live in the cave had left before she awoke. She was starting to hope he would never come back. The fire that had kept burning all night had gone out. She didn't notice while she was sleeping because she had something else keeping her warm

Soon after she awoke the mountain lion form padded in. He quickly shifted and looked at the girl with a bright smile. She shifted uncomfortably and used her hands to cover herself again. The male ignored her actions and started rebuilding the fire with the sticks and dried out leaves he had brought for kindling. Once he had the fire burning bright, he came to sit next to her in the nest.

He knew it was time to feed her again and he knew she wasn't gonna like it. He inched closer to her as she just watched the fire, mesmerized by the flames. Meanwhile he inch closer and eventually grabbed her hips and pulled her into his lap. He kept a gentle, but firm grip on her as she squirmed. He waited for her to stop squirming, and eventually she did, getting tired of always fighting.

He used his fingers to move her chin and make her look at him. She hesitated to look him in the eyes. He reached down and gave the girl a kiss on the lips. She tried to pull away, but he used his hand to keep her there.

He had to go and hunt for food, so they could both eat. So he gave her another peck on the lips, before he put her back down in the nest. He stood and made
his way to the mouth of the cave, shifting into his mountain lion form on the way.

She knew what was to come and even if she didn't want it to happen she knew he would not give her a choice. She knew she had no way of getting out of the cave and she knew nobody would ever find her up there. She had no choice here. She would stay in the cave and be this mountain lion's pet.

When he came back he ended up force feeding her breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He made sure she ate enough and didn't miss a single meal. As the days went on she became less interested in fighting the meals. It became too much work for something that was gonna happen one way or another. She hated how she felt so full after every meal and how much she was eating. So she tried to stay active, despite never being allowed outside the cave. She did crunches and pushups and jumping jacks.

But she didn't know the liquid in his stomach would actually make her gain weight and it kept her better hydrated than she ever was without it. She found it very upsetting how she ended up with a little extra fat on her stomach and thighs. After a month she had already gained 20 pounds. If she had clothes on, you might not have been able to notice. But with her constantly being naked, she seemed to notice a lot.

Not just her though, the beast noticed every night, when he bathed her with his tongue. He was extremely happy with the extra weight he found on the girl. He knew it meant she would be able to bear his cubs with that weight and it was soon time for him to impregnate her.

He had been trying desperately to keep his hands to himself. While he bathed her, she would kick or yell at him if he touched her privates too much. It only bothered him because he didn't like it when she was upset with him. He tried his best to keep her happy. He would bring leaves and moss that he used in the nest when it got old or dried out. He always made sure it was fresh and soft. Even if she didn't like him peeing on it every time.

She was constantly covered in his urine and scents. In fact she was constantly covered in a lot of his bodily fluids. He was happy with how she constantly smelled like him, even though she hated it.

But it was only gonna get worse for her. She hasn't seen his other bodily fluid, but she would soon enough. He was gonna pump her body full of it!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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