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"Beomgyu-hyung seems kind of off these days." Kai mentions.
Taehyun closes his locker and turns to look at his best friend.
"What do you mean?" Taehyun asks.

"The other day when you invited me to dinner at the Choi's, he didn't look sick as he said."
"He said he was sick?" Taehyun asks and Kai nods.
'Did he use that excuse just to talk to me?'

"And I haven't seen you two fighting for a while."

Before Taehyun can finish his sentence, a familiar husky voice calls out to him.
"Taehyun!!" Beomgyu calls out, approaching Taehyun by the lockers with his two friends; Sungchan and I.N who looks at Beomgyu in confusion.

"You definitely knocked your head, hyung. You never call out my name in school." Taehyun says, earning a snort from Sungchan.

Beomgyu rolls his eyes. "I told you, it's a start. Anyway, just wanted to tell you that mom invited you over to dinner. Usual time. Be there."

Taehyun nods and Beomgyu shoots him a smile before walking off with his friends.
The black hair male breathes out heavily, it felt like he held his breath for a while there. It was unusual for Beomgyu to approach him without picking a fight. Guess he's got to get used to it now.

"So...guess you're both on good terms? Or did Beomgyu-hyung really went bonkers?" Kai jokes.



"So?? What's the occasion?" Beomgyu asks before taking another bite into his mouth.
It's just like usual, his siblings are back, with Yeonjun and Hyewon joining the dinner. Taehyun's here too and as always, he's seated in front of him, beside Soobin. His dad however couldn't join but it's okay, since he's got a surgery to do.

The only difference is...
They usually have dinner together on weekends and never the day before a weekend.

So definitely, accumulating all of Beomgyu's half-assed investigations and useless theories, there is definitely, POSITIVELY something going on right here.
"Soobin wanted to have dinner. He said he's got something to tell us all." His mom says.

Taehyun glances at the bluenette. "It seems really important if it couldn't wait for tomorrow, hyung."
Soobin chuckles. "It really can't."

"As much as I like surprises, I have three assignments with deadlines next week so hurry up Soobin!!" Yena exclaims.
Soobin scoffs, putting his cutleries down. "Fine."

Beomgyu's eyes follow his brother's hand as his fingers lace with Yeonjun's who's sitting beside him. He then raises their interlocked hands.
"We're soulmates!!" Soobin exclaims.
Beomgyu's eyes widen as he watches the scene unfold. His mom instantly stands up and runs over to Soobin, pampering kisses all over his face and pulling over to Yeonjun to plant a kiss on his forehead.

Yena and Hyewon are jumping in excitement too. It's so chaotic, anyone from the outside could've mistaken this as an engagement party.

But then, the brunette suddenly remembers and turns to glance at the boy in front of him.

Taehyun isn't cheering along. His grip on his spoon tightens every second and his lips are pursed into a straight line. His free hand balls into fists but he immediately hides them below the table. The younger had his head hung low but it was high enough for Beomgyu to notice his glossy doe eyes with tears threatening to prick its corners.

Beomgyu flinches when he feels pain rush to his arm, restraining a hiss. He glares down to his arm and with his own two eyes, watches as a black rose forms and stings his arm.

His eyes flicker to Taehyun and he feels his heart drop.
'He's heartbroken.'

When the situation had calm down, everyone was talking again, but their conversation this time was how Soobin and Yeonjun found out they were each other's soulmates. Beomgyu didn't listen on the conversation, instead his eyes remain focused on Taehyun who still kept his head low.

Lovely - TAEGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now