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I was frozen

Shock even..

Adonis had a freaking ex fiancee..

I understand..girlfriend..mistress and all but Fiancee?

So..Adonis almost married this woman?

My eyes swept over her body..giving her a once over..

She sure is beautiful..

A goddess..like Cleopatra..


Selena..keep calm..don't act shocked..

I sighed..

"Selena Machavelli..his wife" I said.. stretching a hand for a handshake..

"We all know" she stated as she shook my hands..

Such long fingers..

Stop! Selena..

I smiled grimly..withdrawing my hand..

"I have been quite curious to see who you are..but looking at you now..I'm not impressed" she said slyly..her eyes still all over my body..


"Nobody asked for your opinion" I stated coldly..

She laughed slightly

"I must ask..what charm did you use in getting Adonis?"

"You should ask Adonis..what charm he used in getting me" I said crossing my arms..confident as ever..

Honestly..Adonis chased after me..not the other way round..

She chuckled

"You are quite funny..aren't you?" She said

"As they say" I stated strongly..

She scoffed..

"Do you think Adonis will be faithful in your marriage?..yes..this is your third year anniversary..but will the fifth happen?" She asked..crossing her arms..


"Yes..I mean we all know Adonis is hot..do you think a man like Adonis..who is both handsome and powerful can stay with one woman?" She started..

She sighed..

"He has the whole Italy under his control..and soon the whole world..and trust me..from the little scene you caused a while ago..even the biggest Russian mafia boss shook under Adonis's gaze" she said proudly as if..she was Adonis's mother or something..

"I agree..he is powerful..about him being faithful or unfaithful?..Adonis is faithful in our marriage trust me" I said..not bulging

Do I even trust myself?

She laughed..

"As beautiful as I am..I couldn't control Adonis's desires..so who are you to quench his desires?"


"Are you trying to intimidate me?" I asked..stepping closer to her..

"Do you feel intimidated?" She asked..

"Not one bit" I stated..

She scoffed..

"Selena.." someone called..

I turned to see Bella and Dante approaching us..

"Where have you been?" I asked Bella..

Then I saw Dante and Cleopatra passing a knowing glance..

Adonis Machavelli?!!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن