The Epiphany

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Dark Electric Blood, perhaps in a state of flux and being pretentious given its artificial nature, and also based on the possibility that it could be considered alive and could be a separate entity from the human body, began oozing out from the wound to coalesce with Doctor Caesar Polichek's highly alkaline slobber — an excessive, bubbling amount that turned to a light reddish tint now — and it grew into a big gob that trickled like crazy down the right side of his mouth, through cracks of a loosely-fitting face guard, and dripped down onto his lower chest — plop, plop, plop!

Doctor Polichek didn't mean to bite his tongue so hard, but it was his last desperate attempt to distract himself from the anguish of his mind, and from the torture he knew was about to begin!

As he thought about the consequences of what he is about to do, he paused his fear and suddenly remembered why he's doing it, and the thought gave him the strength to move forward — for the moment. Doctor Polichek is desperately trying to find her again, his one true love, or the life force that she has probably become, maybe some form of energy with a consciousness, as she transitions from the life of the living to whatever force of life in the thereafter!

He loves her so much — still, even though she's gone. She didn't deserve to die like she did. And to avoid the details of that terrible day, suddenly, his mind began to wander back to that last day he first felt the pain of losing her.

That happened about one year ago, but Doctor Polichek vividly remembers the events of that horrific day like it happened yesterday. But the anguish of living in the aftermath of her death is even more devastating than reliving the actual event. That funeral changed him. Scarred him, terribly bad.

He will never be the same man after that; for what happened at the funeral pointed him in a different direction — he experienced an epiphany!

Doctor Polichek had been a defeated man after she died. But now, instead of giving up, he's determined to go ahead with a plan that would either bring her back, or he'll be able to join her in whatever state of existence follows death.

On the day of her funeral, as Doctor Polichek observed the crowd of mourners intently, analyzing every movement and every facial expression of the men dressed in all black suits and ties, and the multi-generational variety of those in attendance, some just baby-faced pre-teens, others with wrinkled faces, and women in dark hats and dresses, some even with matching black handkerchiefs — he wept.

Just a few moments ago, after a brief acknowledgement of who she was in life, piled inside St. Francis Church of Life that included a 3-minute video clip of her life story, a group of more than 100 mourners had filed ceremoniously one-by-one out of the chapel and had gathered outside, to a place where a preacher stood at the podium, the focal point of where funeral services were about to begin.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind burst through the crowd, ironically catching open pages of the Holy Bible in its wake!

The white, thick-hardback and oversized book with gold-colored page edges, flickered like something that had suddenly, miraculously come alive!

Perhaps, it had risen from the dead, as it sat there, kind of wiggling, propped up on the podium book holder. Like clockwork, the pages flickered one last time and finally flopped to an end on Page 256 — at a chapter entitled Psalm 23:6. The song of David. In life, that was her favorite Bible verse.

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

Inter-dimensional: A Testimony of the Grim ReaperOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora