I Was Accidentally Isekai'd Into My Favorite Wattpad Book! Part I

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The last thing I remember before waking up is being hit by a school bus. Why was an American school bus in the middle of Tokyo, in the middle of the night no less, is beyond me.

Also beyond me is the fact that I woke up in an American high-school, in a body that was definitely not mine, and judging by the fact that I am not naked, nor asking my crush out on a date while trying to William Tell an orange out of a Shiba's head with a NERF gun, this is not my usual Monday nightmare.

Something smells fishy here. Literally. The whole place reeks of old fish sticks and grease, the kind Yankis use. Is this what all American schools are like?

Whatever. It's just a dream. I'll wake up soon anyway. People are filing in one by one. Seems like school hasn't started yet. It gives me time to appreciate my surroundings.

The walls are yellow, the desk are yellow. Everything looks yellow to be honest. I don't know if it is because of the grease, or because everything looks old as balls.

I try to focus on the faces of the people around me, but everyone looks blank, like background characters from a light novel. Only one boy stands out as having a face, and he looks incredibly punchable for some reason. Smugly so.

Shit, he's staring at me. Quick! Look forward and look aloof outside the window. Always worked when I was in high-school.

And... it didn't work.

"Hey, Yornaem, what's up, my friend, my soul-sibling, my nakama, my home," says the face-boy, putting his arm around me.

I immediately punch him between the fourth and fifth rib, the tenderest ribs, making him fall back.

"You dick! What was that for?" he asks.

"Bitch, I don't know you!" I yell. In English. Since when did I know English? I barely know Japanese. "You think it's polite to put your hands around someone you don't know?"

The punchable boy took a seat next to me, rubbing his tender wounds. "Bitch, I do know you! I'm your pal, Scooter! You know, Billiam? Scooter Bill? Duck Bill? The Wondrous Misadventures of Billy and Scooter? You know me!"

Huh. Weird. I feel I've heard that name before. Now, where did I hear it from?

"Ah, I get it, you're nervous 'cuz of the new kid on the block, right?" he says, elbowing me. What's with this kid and getting all up in my grill? "You afraid he's gonna take your place as Scooter's best friend?"

Pffff, as if. "Yeah, no. He can take the title out of my hands. Now, leave me alone so I can suffer my dream in peace. I got an eighteen-hour work day tomorrow."

The boy, Billiam, clutches his chest in mock pain, falling dramatically out of his chair. "That hurt. You're a cold bitch, Yornaem, a cold bitch."

"Why do you keep calling me that?" I ask, seeing if I can explode his mind with my mind. Sadly, I cannot. What's the use of being aware of a dream if I can't control it as a despot?

"Cuz' that's your name, Yornaem, Yornaem Lastnim."

No. That's not correct. My name is Yoru, not Yornaem. Maybe i'm dreaming the dream of another person. It happens every once in a while. I once dreamed that I was a ghost in New Orleans during Zombie Gras. I don't even know what a Zombie Gras is.

"Nah, that ain't me," I say. "You got me confused with someone else. Now leave me alone, Scooter-boy."

The boy rolls his eyes in annoyance. "I know it's pronounced Yo-er-nem, as you so smugly correct me," says the boy with an upturned nose. "You okay in the coco? Or are you gaga over the new student like everyone is?"

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