Chapter 15 Meeting Abel of delta

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Back up slowly cutie if you know what's  good for you and your little brat!" Said the voice of a man standing behind Clementine, Clementine swallowed a lump of saliva but She only nodded;

She slowly grabbed Aj's hand helping him out of the small crawlspace, She Had Already placed the bag down onto the floor and kicked it away allowing a single can of Beans to roll out of the bag; it had rolled all the way to the entrance of the train station.

The man going by the name of Abel grabbed the bag of partly full canned food,

" Well it would appear you brats had  found a real gold mine here haven't you," Abel said Taunting Clementine and aj who stood away from his reach; Aj Shook with anger over Abel being able to take the food that they found away from them.

We need that food more than you, We found it first after all You shouldn't be stealing from us." Aj said showing anger towards Abel,

" Well sorry there little squirt but there's nothing you can do about now can you?" Abel once again taunted Aj, Aj growled in Anger getting ready to go at

{{Meanwhile outside of the train station}} Leo had found a bow and Arrow hidden under one of the chair,
Leo looks over the bow to make sure it was still workable and It was; There was also Ten Arrows in a holder.

Leo: " Clementine and Aj are taking a very long time, something is wrong; Guys take these bags and run back to the school, I need to get to Clementine and aj We will find a way back." Leo said As He left before anyone else could respond,

Violet and Louis looked back at Leo's running away figure obviously getting worried over leaving him, Aj And Clementine alone to find their way back to the school.

" We cannot leave them here alone, We need to wait for them to come out so we can all leave together." Violet said to Louis Who looked back at the train station and the group of Walkers, He Looked back at the bell above the train;

" you are right Vi, We need to wait for them until they come out of the train station;

Leo slowly crept towards the train station entrance, Leo noticed the single can of Beans at the entrance of the train station; He grabbed the beans.

He looked up to see Clementine who had her arms around Aj in a protective way, and He saw Abel who was still filling the duffle bags of Canned food; He saw that There was gun in his right hand.

Leo slowly and carefully, approached the area of the station Clementine looks over to see her boyfriend. She couldn't help but to smile at the sight of her boyfriend, Aj also noticed Leo;

AJ: {{Whispers}} Dad it's You!" He said happily, Leo Places his Index finger onto his mouth; telling Clementine and aj to remain quiet.

Abel kept his attention at the crawlspace which was almost completely empty, Suddenly Abel felt eyes on him he quickly turned just in time to see a hard fist him in the Jaw Causing him to let go of the gun he had;

Leo Immediately grabbed the Gun While Abel was still stunned due to the pain of being punched so hard.

" AJ Take this! Clementine take the bag of food and Flee from here now!" He said Turning back to face Abel who was wiping his blood from his lower lip,

" You little shit, I will fucking kill you first!" Abel said to Leo In a threatening manner, Clementine grabbed the bags of food and Aj grabs the gun.

Abel Pushed Leo against the Bean in the room, Leo hit Abel with his elbow making his

The two immediately ran out of the train station,  Louis,  Violet and Mitch saw them running out of the train station;

" You fucking asshole, I will kill you for getting in my way then I am going after that bitch and that brat! Abel said to Leo, He Tried to punched Leo; but Leo dodge the punch;

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