!introducing bootcamp!

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As we got in to the building everyone greeted us

"You must be y/n Chang, I'm Sebastian Amaruso also known as Jet", Sebastian introduced himself while kissing my hand

"Hi Sebastian, Im very exited to work with you all!"

"And you must be Dallas Liu our Zuko!", Jet continued

"yea uh hi", Dallas reply

I stared at him and hit him cause it was impolite

"It would be a dream come true to work wuth you all", Dallas continued, by forced

Whats wrong with him with Sebastian??? Are they enemy or smth

Dallas POV
Sebastian kiss y/n's hand, ofc im mad!!

Y/n POV:
After that me and Dallas was told to look around to know the place better, so ig walk date?? But unfortunately Sebastian was invited to at that time I look to Dallas his face was red like mad red.

When we started walking Kia (Kiawentiio- Katara) just arrive ~thank god cause im not gonna be with Dallas being mad and Sebastian being cheesy, I rather die~

"heyy, you made it on time!", I greeted Kia

"Oh thank god, Gorden wasnt wrong the traffic is so bad" she continued, "whats up with him?" her eyes pointed at Dallas

"idk after I greeted Sebastian the one who's going to play Jet, Dallas turn into that"I said

"do you guys have fun in the car or smth? so maybe he got jealous"


"uhh yes way?? maybe hes falling inlove with you"

when that word came out of Kia, my heart was pumping so fast that I couldnt breath

"shut it, now let me introduce you with your future husband Sebastian" I said jokingly

"shut up... he's kinda hot thoo that hair mann" Kia replied

"see... future husband"

"are you ok with me talking to YOUR future husband?" Kia said jokingly ofc she meant Dallas

" what me and him hahaha no way " I said covering myself

"tell me everything later kay?"

"okay" I replied

At that time Sebastian came toward us and greeted Kia with a wink ofc by that look she gave me I can tell that he gave her butterflies

"Ok now can we go now?" Dallas acting cold

"okok bro", Sebastian reply

-After the walk btw Gorden and Ian also arrive and join us-

We decided to check our rooms well not that kind of room but a room for all of us like a house but 1 floor and 4 bedrooms, Sebastian is not in the same room(or house whatever you call it) he's with Thalia, Momoa, Elizabeth and Nathaniel
(character name: Longshot part of Jet team)
while I'm with Kia, Ian, Gorden and Dallas...

StarStrucked by You-- Dallas Liu x Reader!!Where stories live. Discover now