you got a little something there

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[Toby's perspective]

As I walk off, I hear Jack's footsteps behind me. After a while of walking, I stop next to a tree, taking my hatchets out of my belt and chucking them on the ground. I stretch, reaching my arms in the air before settling myself down next to my hatchets. Jack walks up to my side and sits next to me.

"Why are we sitting here?" He tilts his head, looking in my direction. "Bec-because we f-fucking can." Annoyance getting to me. Jack responds with a chuckle. "Jeez, okay then." He laughs before we both fall silent.

I lay my head back, on the tree behind me, and enjoy the silence. If I'm being honest, I forgot Jack was here. After a long while of silence, I hear a radio go off in the distance, causing my eyes to dart open and look in the direction of the noise. My hands instinctively grabbing my hatchets as I stand up. I see Jack's ears perked up, and he's also facing towards the noise. He stands up, moving towards the noise. His movements were silent. I watch him for a moment before moving too.

We get closer to the sound. It's two police officers. Shit. Thus close to the mansion? My grip tightens on my hatchets. Jack looks at me with a grin. "I go for the one on the left, and you go for the one on the right? The best kill gets to decide what we do the rest of the night?" He chuckles. I nod, and we both move out.

I get within about fifteen meters of the officer. I throw my hatchet hard and fast at his legs, watching him fall to the ground with an agonising scream. His partner looks in his direction, worry etched on his face as he pulls his gun out, just for Jack to attack him from behind. With my other hatchet, I walk up to the cop. He looks up at me, tears streaming down his face and a horrified look. I put my mouth guard on and tilt my head, intimidating him before raising my hatchet and hitting him cleanly through the neck, a spray of blood splattering all over me. "Goodbye." I laugh.

Jack walks over to me with a small laugh. "You got a little something here." He says, wiping a bit of blood off my mouth guard. I pull the mouth guard off and chuckle. "This better mean I win." Jack laughs and removes my hatchet from the officers leg. "I suppose it does then. So what are we doing then?" He tilts his head curiously at me, causing me to chuckle as I put my hatchets back onto my belt.


short chapter, but oh wellllll

Any ideas for what toby wants to do!?


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