Chapter 4: The Cotton Candy Catastrophe

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As Wonka and y/n ventured deeper into the factory, they stumbled upon a room filled with towering shelves laden with jars of colorful candies. With a twinkle in his eye, Wonka explained that this was the Candy Vault, where he stored his most precious and exotic confections.

But their awe quickly turned to alarm as they heard a series of ominous clanks and whirrs emanating from the depths of the room. Suddenly, the shelves began to shake, and jars of candy came crashing down around them, threatening to bury them beneath a mountain of sugary debris.

With quick reflexes and even quicker thinking, Wonka and y/n leaped into action, dodging falling jars and leaping over precarious obstacles in their path. Just when it seemed as though all hope was lost, they stumbled upon a hidden exit, and with a final burst of effort, they scrambled to safety just as the room collapsed behind them.

As they emerged from the Candy Vault, panting and disheveled but exhilarated by their narrow escape, Wonka and y/n shared a knowing glance. Though they had faced danger head-on, they had emerged victorious, their bond stronger than ever before.

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