Part 1

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The year is 2028 Covid 19 has long left but the world was hit by something far more terrifying. A virus struck humanity like nothing before they called it after life or A.L virus for short it all started with a small  Outbreak in Alaska then rapidly spread like an aggressive Wild fire. Our story begins. The boy had awaken out of his  Sleep at a quarter to 7am  to a room room decorated in poster from musicians from Hardcore hip hop to heavy metal rock. The boy was tall and lanky fudge colored skin with purple locs hanging just above his  Eyes. Iman was his name, he arose from his bed still half sleep grabbed a towel  some underwear and shorts off of his  dresser. His younger sister Imari exited the bath room as he entered she stuck her tongue at him he flipped her off. "That's not nice. I'm only 12." Iman remained silent and closed the door. His phone buzzed it was a news notification that read "new A.L infection found in Kentucky." Iman took a very annoyed sigh then turned on the shower. After about 10 minutes he brushed his teeth and went down stairs because the delicious scent of maple syrup and bacon called him. Across from the kitchen was the living room where his mother had the tv blasting the news and this made Iman scowl. The news was warning about the symptoms of A.L infection which caused people to lose intelligence make Them more aggressive and overall more dangerous. The only good thing was they become slow and easy to escape. "Ma can you please turn that off I'm so tired Of A.L news." Iman begged. Iman's older sister Imari snickered. Iman shot an quick death stare at her. "Don't you two start, Plus the news is good we need to know  everything about these A.L people." Iman just silently stared and put his head down  with the most defeated look on his face. "What's wrong with you ever since that stuff happened you been acting like sad
Puppy." Imari pleaded. "Yeah mama I don't
know you better check on your son before  he ends up like his Lil friend." Imani chimed in. Suddenly Iman slammed his fist on the the kitchen table. "Aye man fuck y'all don't you ever speak on deo- I mean Diamond again she ain't here no more." Iman stormed up stairs and put his clothes and Book bag on." he left out the side door. Before his mother could even catch up to him Iman was nowhere to be found she looked around but he somehow vanished. He was already in top of the neighbors roof with tearful eyes watching his mother Scold his sisters. He then jumped to the next house then tuck and rolled to ground. nobody knew but Iman taught himself parkour it helped him cope with the death Of his friend. He ended up in route for his Best friend Roddy's house.

I wish they knew what was really going on...with the virus. Names Ahsha. I'm 23. I was separated from my family shortly after the virus emerged. For about 6 months I've lived alone. I've been living off beans, dried fruit, jerky, and corn. Not the most balanced diet, but I get by. things are quieter now... more than they were. I think that's because most of the people who aren't affected by the virus are on lockdown in the city. Seems pretty dumb to me but hey! If One infected bastard breaks through their precious barricades they're all done for...But what do I care... The rural areas aren't any better. Most of the people here are infected. They're Most active in the daytime, so I travel at night.

3: Samuel
Samuel awoke from his slumber on a Saturday morning to the sound of a car alarm outside. He got up and walked over to the window as he grumbled to himself "stupid neighbors". He opened the window but didn't even have time to see what was going on because the smell of something burning downstairs caught his attention. Samuel rushed down the stairs calling for his mom only to find her standing in the kitchen near the stove and no fire in site. Samuel sighed in relief and figured his mom must be burning some food, she was never the best cook. Samuel greeted her "good morning" but she said nothing back. Samuel found it odd but figured she probably couldn't hear him. He begins to walk over to see what she's burning when he notices that there is a pool of blood oozing down from the stove. Samuel slowly backed away, he knew something wasn't right. Samuel called out to his mom "Hey Mom, what are you burning now?" and was met with silence again. Samuel began to scream over and over "MOM! MOM! MOM!" until she turned around. It's as if she was noticing him for the first time. Samuel noticed her eyes looked dilated and not their usual shade of green. She finally speaks and says  "Good morning Sammy! I made you breakfast!" and she sets a plate in front of him. She must've attempted to make steak, that would explain the blood Sammy thought to himself. Sammy is still wary but he summed it up to his mom just stressing because of everything going on with the AL virus. Samuel finally looks down at his plate and is immediately paralyzed with fear and grief. On his plate was his cat, Chewy, charred and cut into pieces. Samuel wanted to scream, he wanted to cry but more than that he wanted to run. Something in Samuel's gut told him that running now might be dangerous and so he began to pretend everything was fine. His mom or whatever she is now stood watch over him waiting for him to eat. Sammy stared down for a long time before finally saying "Breakfast looks great mom but do you mind if I use the restroom before I eat?" His mother answered in a voice that was not her own "No Sammy... I want you to eat. NOW!Samuel was starting to feel as though pretending was pointless until he got an idea. "Sure thing mom but can you please get me a fork from the drawer?" Sammy said. His mom reluctantly agreed and turned around to get him one. Sammy got up to run and he was quick on his feet but his mom was quicker. He got as close as the door when his mom pounced on him with a knife she got from the drawer. He struggled under her weight but managed to slip under her just as she brought the knife down to stab him. She stands up quick and is now blocking the door as Sammy is rising to his feet. She speaks in a demonic voice and says "I knew you would run Sammy.. please don't fight this. Join me." Sammy screams "NEVER!" and his mom takes another slice at him and a rip forms in his shirt. Sammy's heart is pounding now.. he has to escape but doesn't know how he can get past her. "Fighting her is pointless.. I'll lose" Sammy thought to himself. Sammy also knows he can't outrun her but he realizes he can outsmart her. She continues to slice at him, cutting him a few times as he attempts to duck and dodge. He is still trying to think of a way to escape when she manages to stab him in the leg as he tries to roll out of the way. He screams in pain as the knife gets imbedded in his leg. He is bleeding profusely now and knows that if he doesn't get away now this will be the end for him. He finally thinks back to the window he opened this morning and an idea forms in his mind. He yanks the knife out of his leg causing his vision to swim. Sammy points the knife at her and tells her to stay away. He is slowly backing toward a lamp he spotted on the table and in a quick flash throws the knife at her right eye and grabs for the lamp. The knife lands in her eye with a sick wet thud and Sammy smashes the lamp over her head. He knows this will only deter her for a moment so he makes a break for his room. His adrenaline is pumping as he runs up the stairs. Sammy begins throwing down everything in his path, bookcases, tables and chairs to create more obstacles for her. He finally gets to the window, climbs through and jumps down. The edges of his vision turn dark as he almost passes out from the searing hot pain coursing through his leg. He manages to fight off the pain long enough to escape. He sits in an alley now, his shaggy black hair and olive skin coated in sweat. His emerald green eyes brimmed with red, finally having time to mourn the loss of his mother. He bandages his cuts and bruises and limps onward, knowing that his fight for survival has just begun.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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