Chapter 18

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Kook quietly walked into his room, only to find Tae sitting on the bed, a serene and beautiful smile gracing his features as he was watching a funny movie on his phone.

Kook froze in his spot, completely captivated by the sight before him. He couldn't tear his gaze away from the stunning man, his heart swelling with adoration.

Tae felt a sudden shift in the air and looked up, meeting kook's intense stare. He smiled widely as he realized Kook had been silently watching him.

Tae: "Koo? Is everything alright?" he asked softly, his voice laced with a hint of concern.

Kook blinked, as if snapping out of a trance. A warm, affectionate smile spread across his face as he slowly made his way over to the bed, never breaking eye contact with Tae.

Kook: "Everything is perfect, my love," he murmured, his voice filled with love.

"I was just... admiring the most ethereal sight I've ever laid eyes on."

Tae felt his heart flutter at kook's words. He reached out, gently taking kook's hand in his own before placing a soft peck on it.

Tae: "Oh really?" he said, a playful glint in his eyes.

"But I must say, the view from here is rather breathtaking as well."

Kook chuckled softly, his free hand coming up to caress Tae's cheek tenderly.

Kook: "You have no idea how captivating you are, my darling. I could stare at you forever and never tired of it."

He leaned in, brushing his lips against Tae's in a featherlight kiss, his heart swelling with the overwhelming love he felt for his man.

Only then Tae pouted adorably, his eyes shining with emotion.

Tae: "Do you even know, Koo, how much I missed you?" he asked softly.

Kook's chuckle was warm and affectionate as he gently pecked Tae's forehead.

Kook: "I missed you too, my precious," he whispered lovingly.

"Every moment without you felt like an eternity."

Tae's pout melted into a radiant smile, and he leaned into kook's touch, savoring the familiar warmth.

Kook felt his heart swell with overwhelming love, and he gently traced tae's jawline, marveling the man before him.

Kook: "I love you, my precious," he whispered, his eyes brimming with love and adoration.

Tae's lips curved into a soft, adoring smile.

Tae: "And I love you more bubba," he breathed, closing the distance between them and capturing kook's lips in a deep, passionate kiss.

After some time, both Tae and Kook break their passionate kiss, their breaths mingling in the air between them.

Tae looks into Kook's eyes, who was already lovingly looking at him. He takes a deep breath and begins to speak.

Tae: "You know, baby, today I went to the cafe, and you know what happened there."

Kook tightened his arms around tae, as he knows exactly what Tae is about to say. He looks at Tae with an innocent expression, trying to hide his anger, and asks.

Kook: "What happened, baby?"

Tae sighed, his expression darkening as he recounted.

Tae: "Some bastard shouted at me and then threw coffee right on my chest," he exclaimed, his brow furrowing in anger at the memory.

"Can you believe the nerve of that guy?

Kook's anger boils over at Tae's words, and he clenches his fists, his whole body tensing up.

Kook: "He did what? How dare he!" he exclaims, his voice filled with rage, pulling Tae even closer.

Tae can see the anger in Kook's eyes so he tries to calm him down.

Tae: "It's okay, I'm okay. A doctor was there, and he treated me." He hugs Kook tightly, running a hand through Kook's hair.

Kook wraps his arms around Tae, holding him close and breathing in his scent.

Tae: "Who knows, he may be feeling remorse for what he did to me," Tae mused, his voice filled with empathy.

Kook smirked against Tae's neck, his lips brushing against his skin as he hummed in agreement.

Kook: "Hmm, I doubt he's feeling much remorse," he murmured, nuzzling into Tae's neck and placing a series of wet, open-mouthed kisses there.

"He's probably in hell, regretting the day he ever crossed paths with you.".

Kook smirks widely, recalling the punishment he had delivered to Minjae for hurting his precious.

Tae shivered at the sensation of Kook's lips on his neck.

Tae: "Mm, let's not worry about that now," he whispered, tilting his head to grant Kook better access.

Kook chuckled darkly as he continued his assault on Tae's neck.

Kook: "You're right, my love".

Suddenly, Tae's expression shifted, his eyes darkening with desire. Tae gently pushed Kook back onto the bed, climbing on top of him and capturing his lips in a passionate kiss.

Kook responded immediately, his hands gently caressing Tae's chest where that bastard throw coffee as he lost himself in the kiss.

Tae poured all of his love and desire into the kiss, his tongue exploring Kook's mouth who was moaning while tugging tae's hair.

As they broke apart, both panting heavily. Tae gazed down at Kook, his eyes dark with lust and love.

Tae: "I love you," he murmured, brushing his thumb along Kook's cheekbone.

Kook: "I love you more precious," he replied, his voice low and soft with emotion.

Tae again captures kook's lips, his hands roaming over kook's body as their kiss deepened.

Their touches grew more desperate, clothes quickly discarded from their body as they fell back against the bed, lost in a haze of passion.

Tae trailed kisses down his neck and across his chest. Kook arched into the touch, his fingers tangling in tae's hair.

Kook: "Mmm..... precious", moaned as his own hands clawing at tae's back, urging him closer.

Soon, Loud moans, groans and skin slapping sounds could be heard from their room.

Tae was thrusting deeply inside while sucking kook's neck who was moaning and squirming in pleasure.

Tae: " good", growled while kook scratch his back creating red marks with his nails.

Tae then starts thrusting at a certain spot making kook screamed his name loudly.

Kook: "", moans when tae hits his sweet spot, causing him to rolls his eyes back, feeling so much pleasure.

Tae thrust more fastly abusing kook's sweet spot making his toes curl in pleasure. Kook could feel, bulge on his stomach which makes him moan in satisfaction.

Kook moaned loudly when he felt he was about to cum. After a few thrusts, kook cummed too hard that his and tae's chest become sticky with his white liquid.

Tae increased his speed, gripping kook's waist and kook holds him tightly against his chest. After a few thrust tae cum inside kook while sucking kook's nipples who moaned feeling tae's semen going deep inside him.


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