Chapter 12-Ashton

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Ashton reveled in the feeling of the hard ground beneath his paws. He loved being in his wolf form; the freedom it gave him. There was nothing better in his opinion. Except maybe the feeling of a warm body wrapped around his, the sound of panting in his ear as he reaches his climax, and the feeling of completion after it was all over. Like magic, the picture of a pretty brunette popped into his head. He growled in frustration and ran faster and harder. Being a werewolf wasn't like how it was portrayed in those lame movies. They weren't only forced to turn at the full moon, the shift was completely painless, and he didn't completely lose his sense of self when he shifted. The only difference of being in his wolf form was that it silenced all the shit that was going on in his head. Except for her.

He hated that it bothered him that she was going out with Cameron. The fact that she actually wanted to go out with that Omega was further proof that she wasn't his mate. His mate was supposed to have better taste. Yet, he couldn't stop thinking about her. It was like her scent was following him everywhere. He snorted in disgust and kept running deeper into the woods. While he certainly didn't attack people in his wolf form, he didn't want them to panic and attack him in turn if they came across a full-grown wolf. It might cause a city-wide panic and he definitely didn't want that for himself or his pack.

Ashton's head jerked to the side when a flash of pink caught his attention. Speak of the devil, he thought to himself. He did wonder whether it would be worth it to scare the girl in his wolf form, but he wasn't a complete monster. Asshole, definitely. But not a monster. It would honestly be a lot more fun for him to torment her in his human form. He padded behind a tree to shift. He couldn't help but growl when he spotted a few guys checking Brayden out, though he couldn't really blame them. She did look cute in her black running shorts and baby pink tank top. She still had that God-awful growth she called a ponytail sprouting out of her head, but she did look good with a healthy sheen of sweat coating her arms. He snorted with disgust again as the shift came upon him. Once again, unlike those horror movies, he didn't lose his clothes when he turned. He broke into a light jog, following Brayden discreetly, when she finally stopped at a water fountain. He knew the exact moment she became aware of his presence when her back stiffened, but she just wiped her mouth of stray water and turned around to glare at him.

"Great," she muttered before looking skywards. "Did I do something to piss you off somehow?"

"Talking to yourself, Wolf Girl, or just your imaginary friends?" he asked with a slight smirk.

"Which answer leads to you leaving me alone?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, crossing her arms. Ashton tried to stop his eyes from traveling down to the crease between her breasts, but he couldn't. Luckily she was too annoyed with him to notice his moment of perversion.

"You want me to leave you alone?" Ashton asked getting closer to her until he was looking directly into her blue-grey eyes. "Then leave Jensen High. That's how you get left alone, Wolf Girl."

"Take it up with my parents. I certainly didn't ask to come here. And stop calling me that!" she cried, throwing her hands in the air. "What did I ever do to you? All I did was bump into you this morning, which was an accident. Why do you hate me so much?"

You also almost ran me over with your car, he thought to himself, but thought it best not to bring that up.

"You also felt me up. Let's not forget about that. I've never been so violated in my life," he said instead, trying not to laugh. She scoffed and shook her head, but he could tell she was trying not to smile.

"I'm sorry that I put my hand on your chest for a minute so that I could steady myself because running into you was like running into a slab of concrete," she replied. "Will you forgive me, O lord and master?"

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