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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᴵᴺᴳ : Maneater

"She's a maneater, make them work hard."

Holly Norris was a talker

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Holly Norris was a talker.

Since a very young age, she found it hard to hold her tongue and she always had a sarcastic comment up her sleeve. She was always up for chatting about anything, nothing ever too stupid, or discussing business where needed. She never let people treat her wrongly, no matter high up they were in authority. Respect was a two way street, in her opinion.

George Russell was irritating.

Holly thought so; not that it bothered her too much. George was the definition of sounding 'old English' and Holly was convinced he need a better fashion style too. He was quite argumentative but not in a rude way, so he bounced off Holly's energy.

Holly Norris and George Russell were alike yet so different all at the same time.

Like she's promised, Holly was making an effort to try to get to know George. Alex and Emilia were right, Holly couldn't keep sleeping with him when she hardly knew him and if she was going to tell Lando about it, she'd rather tell him it was because she knew George.

Or she didn't need to tell Lando. Perhaps she'd end up hating George and it wouldn't matter anyway.

"Holly, are you paying attention to what I just said?"

"Huh?" Holly's eyes snapped up to her agent. "No, sorry, Iris. I've got my head in the clouds."

"Well bring it down to earth, we have things to do!" Iris clapped her hands. "You have interviews you need to be on before your games and we need to work on what you'll say."

"Isn't 'say nothing' the motto?" Holly raised her eyebrows.

"That's more suspicious than saying something," Iris hummed. "Just don't bring up any team strategy, you know the drill. If they ask, just talk about your personal training. Got it?"

"Crystal clear."

"And make sure you know your brother's results for the weekend, you know what these shows are like," Iris sighed, rubbing her head. "If you are over in America at any point, please tell me ASAP. Jimmy Fallon's team asked for you."

"Why? I'm just some random English goalkeeper—"

"You are England's best goalkeeper and the sister of a professional racing driver, Holly," Iris emphasised. "Serious, what's wrong with you today? You'd normally be bouncing around with joy at the thought of going on Jimmy Fallon's show."

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