Episode 21: That maneuver with a weird name

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I purposely chose a seat towards the back. I even dozed off a bit. Maybe it's the sleeping pills, or maybe I had a rough night. Perhaps flights make me sleepy. But now I'm awake, and it feels like we've been flying for about half an hour.

Jean-Louis was telling me about a group of Germans last night, but all I see in the seats in front of me is a man and a woman. Two people don't make a group, as far as I know, they make a couple.

The "group" of Germans are chattering away in their native language. Their chatter woke me up.

Dubious language.

As far as I'm concerned, they might as well be speaking Thai because the result would be the same. I don't know more than ten words in German, and surely they haven't used any of them because I understand absolutely nothing of what they're saying.

Hello! Germans! I'm here, behind you, and I'm all eyes and ears. It's not nice to speak in a language I don't understand. Don't you want to switch from German to English?

Damn! It annoys me.

It seems that dear Teutons, wherever they travel, speak only in their language. If that's the case, it can only mean one thing: they're too lazy to learn other languages.

Yes, it's clear: Germans are a lazy and rude people.

The girl speaks a bit less, but the guy next to her is in a talkative mood. He doesn't shut up at all.

My liver is stabbing me again.

The girl turns her head for a moment and looks directly at me, but he, a rotund man of about 50-55 years old, doesn't even notice me.

What did this young girl find in this old man? It's obvious they're together. An atypical couple.

It's true they're not holding hands or kissing, but they can't fool me! I'm convinced the 25-year-old girl is the girlfriend of the annoying 55-year-old man. 

Thirty years difference?

It's downright disgusting.

He's probably terribly excited by this difference. A father-daughter type of relationship. Probably not something new in Thailand. Of course, they traveled here, to the other end of the world, to feel more shielded from the eyes of the world.

Well, dears, the world's eye is wide open here, just three rows back.

The girl is also petite, and she's excessively thin even for a petite girl. In contrast, her boyfriend is quite corpulent, has a prominent belly, and is also bald.

This young German woman has the blackest eyes I've ever seen in my life. They're like two coals set in a smooth, white as milk face.

Her hair is cut short, just reaching her shoulders. The strands are the color of wheat spikes.

I don't have a particular preference for petites. I neither like them nor dislike them. I don't usually notice them. They seem like oddities of nature to me, and I avoid them. In my heyday, when I went hunting for skirts, I always appreciated solid women, well-built, with a developed chest and a nice butt specially made by God to have something to grab onto.

But this little girl has neither butt nor boobs... she's like a child-woman. Too mature to be a child, too small and fragile to be called a woman.

I consider that the "group" of Germans doesn't interest me.

Chapter closed.

Hmm... a cigarette. Oh, yes! 

I eagerly grope for the pack in my pocket. I find the lighter too.I'm dying to smoke a cigarette right now, but I don't know how to ask them for permission to smoke. I don't want to ask anything from the satyr in front and his nymph. 

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