Chapter Thirty: Message Received

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"So they're really trying to get here?" The woman looked at the screen as she rested in her usual chair. Osa had fixed it up with a few blankets and pillows, oddly already beginning to nest knowing that Raven was pregnant. It seemed he had just found out that day and he was already being watchful of everything.

Osa nodded his head as he pulled up a video recording. Two Irinaut's were in the video, but neither spoke English, "They just got their ship to turn on and manage to send a message themselves. They are in search of fuel, but if they obtain enough to get here, then we may have a chance of rigging something with their ship to leave. It seems they have the same intentions we do."

Raven nodded as she sipped on a cup of hot tea Osa had made her for her stomach, "It's good to see you're not the only one here." She laid her head on the arm of the chair. Being larger to accommodate the Irinaut's size, it was easier for her to use most his things as a bed, "You think they'll be able to get here? Why don't they speak English like you?"

Osa nodded his head, "I think they'll have a chance if they can find the fuel. The only thing we can do is sit and hope they manage to find it." He sighs before rubbing the back of his head, "We'll keep the Queen a secret for now. I don't want to many knowing about that right now."

Raven groaned, "It's been a few hours and you're still calling her the queen." Raven held her stomach, "She is a baby, and will have a name." The woman laughed softly. Truly she was excited herself even if worry was her main thing. How could they raise a child in a ship under water? Oxygen was already an issue. Osa had been trying to find a way to sustain them in the water without the tanks; having a garden he had been trying to grow, even trees, but they needed more lights, better soil. They didn't have nearly enough to sustain them yet, "Do you not think they'd come faster if they knew I was pregnant with a queen heir?"

Osa hummed, a warm smile came across his lips before he got up and moved towards Raven, "You're right." He got down on his knees in front of her before resting his head on her lap, a deep murr rumbled in his chest, "We'll think of something for her. She's a very special thing that's for certain." His hand trailed over her stomach, "Hmm? It could speed up the process, yes, but, I don't want to risk you or her being found. When we know that these two are safe, when they come here, then we'll introduce. That is if they don't sense her before then. As I've said before, not all Irinaut's stayed on the right path."

Raven watched Osa move over towards her. The woman smiled before placing her hand on his cheek and stroking softly. The Irinaut was certainly one for physical affection. Since their locking, he showed it often, and didn't act shy about it. As he rubbed her stomach, all she could do was smile. At the mention of not all being good, she seemed a bit curious, "Well, can we trust them? Do you even know their names?" The woman tilted her head to the side, her eyes glistened softly in the lights of the ship. Really, the last thing she wanted was to lead someone bad into their only safety.

Osa nodded, his feathers raised, "Both are Class A. They were stranded by the bad ones themselves after they were overrun with infection with their Yetis." The male hummed, before glancing back at the screen and hitting a button, showing both of the other two Irinaut's on the screen with information next to their photos, but in Osa's own language.

He sat his head up before reaching over and clicking a button to open both their files into a large display. He pointed at the dark blue one first, with red glowing veins and piercing rubies eyes, "Fex, Class A through trial." He hummed, his feathers raised, "He's known as a tamer. It's rare to see someone with two Yetis. He's strength class, meaning most of his Hollows are muscle building. From what I've read, the only issue we'll have with him is he's been in trouble for his temper, but he's young it's not surprising. The only ability I see here is implode, and I'm not even certain what that is." He clicked before pulling up another photo of a pale blue Irinaut with blackened veins, and shining emerald green gold eyes, "This, is Zio. Class A born." The Irinaut chirped softly, "Another strength class, but he's rather decorated in his ranks. Telepathic, he can read minds, and the only thing they have listed in his ability is blinding. From what I've read both have immaculate powers. I don't have access to all their information but hearing them talk, I believe we'd be better off with some larger numbers. They may even know where Mothershio is, but one step at a time." Osa looked over Raven, his feathers ruffled as he noticed her just looking at the screen, "What is it?"

Raven listened. Really curious to everything the Irinaut was saying. She pointed, "Why do they look different?" She reached over and ran her fingers through his feathers, "No feathers?" She was really in awe at the appearances varying so in the Irinaut's. Truly it caught her attention more than anything, "And what do you mean by Class A born and Class A trial?"

Osa's own feathers flattened. The male shook his head, "Feathers come with age, but we lose them under stress as well. It wouldn't surprise me if they've picked them off. It's easier to put the vents on our neck like that anyway, but I couldn't bring myself to remove them." He hummed, "They could have even been born without them. Our genetics vary quite a bit due to our ability to cross breed with the correct partner." At the mention of the class's he nodded, "Class A's born, have a mother or father who carries the Queen gene. Class A's by trial, have to go through significantly more training to earn the right to Class A classifications. Including being accepted by the Class A warriors."

Raven listened closely as she rubbed over his shoulders, "So you're a Class A born right? Since your mother was a queen? Do you not have Kings?"

"Correct. Somewhat." The Irinaut's eyes were glowing, his hands rubbing up and down her sides as he shifted in the floor, "I was born a Class A, but I'm considered part of the Elder rank. The closest you can get to a King, but we don't have the control she does, and those who can be considered an elder must be born with the Glow. His eyes glowed a bit before he pointed at his eyes, "I've been around a long time." The male crawled up towards her before hugging her frame, clearly he looked uncomfortable.

"Oh a King huh? Should I be calling you your highness?" Raven laughed a bit as she watched Osa attempting his way to move closer to the woman in the chair, "Osa do you want to go in your room?" She laughed softly, "Honestly I feel like I could sleep all day, and you don't look comfortable down there." Her temperature was still up. Osa had explained it was because of the little one growing inside her. No doubt the heat was causing it her sickness.

The male cocked his head to the side, a grin ran across his lips, "If you were a female on my planet, you would call me Elder Osa." He purred before pulling her into his arms and standing. Osa leaned down and gently kissed her forehead, "I think I like that idea. We've gotten enough done for now."

Raven squeaked as he lifted her from the chair. She wrapped her arms around his neck, "Please don't drop me." She laughed, truly knowing better, "Oh! Elder Osa? Such royalty!" She joked, but Osa only grinned as he carried her to the bedroom. She acted faint, truly just picking on him, "Should I be carrying you instead?"

Osa cackled. The male laid her back on the bed before resting next to her. He pulled her close to him; holding her stomach before kissing her ear, "I wouldn't let you even try to carry me, and yes, Elder. If we were around other Irinaut's, you'd understand. I'm not as wild as others. I feel like I've humanized myself with being alone so long. I suppose it came with the television and those picture discs. I look forward to showing her 'The Last Unicorn' when she's old enough." The male rubbed her stomach gently, his feathers ruffled before he buried his face against her neck.

Osa was so much more relaxed than he had been in some time, and Raven could see that. As he rubbed over her stomach she laughed softly, "Hey I've seen you get angry. A few times. Especially when we had those bombs-"

Osa gave her a glare as she mentioned the attachments she had put on him, and she made a quick change of subject, "You know, I think she'll like that, and the hundred more times you make her watch it." Raven gasped softly as he hid against her neck, purring deeply as his hand began to trail beneath her shirt to trace over her bare skin. Osa was barely gliding his fingertips against her skins, earning a soft moan. Raven found herself just stretching out and snuggling herself against Osa, a cheeky grin across her lips, "You know we won't be able to lock after a while right? Until she's born?"

Osa stopped purring quite suddenly. He rubbed her stomach gently, grinning softly as a soft chuckle came from him. The male ran his lips across her neck up to her ear where he spoke softly, "Have I not proven I can be gentle?" His hand rubbed over her chest, going up through the head hole of the shirt before grabbing her chin and turning her face towards his quite suddenly, "If that's the case, then why don't we get it out of our systems?"

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