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(Requested by EveLovesHerself )


I walk into our bedroom, looking for Aaron. He's sitting at his desk as always, typing at his keyboard. I'm so sick of seeing him working every hour of every day. I don't want to seem needy or selfish but he hasn't payed any attention to me. He doesn't listen to a word I say. Aaron used to be someone I can tell anything and wouldn't judge me. And I did. I told him everything and he told me everything. Now he barely has time to look at me. I move closer to him. He quickly looks up at me and looks right back down. "Hello" he says. "Hi" I say back. "Sorry love. I really can't talk right now. I have to write this whole three thousand word essay and I'm also running late to a meeting where I'll have to present that same essay and take feedback. I then have to-" he says, but my thoughts tune him out.

I should have never let him take this job. It's stressing him out too much and it's stressing me out as well. He doesn't have any time to live. This isn't just about me. It's about him, and how he's going to live the rest of his life like this. "-and then maybe I'll have a few minutes to talk with you before I go into a zoom meeting regarding m-"

"Aaron!" I yell. He looks up. "Yes, love?" he says. "Will you ever get a break from work? You're too stressed and you're stressing me out as well" I tell him, in hopes he'll take a break, or better, quit. "Love, you know I can't do that," he says. I frown. "I've spent too much time chit-chatting with you, I need to get this essay done an-", "Aaron" I say. "Hmm?"

"Aaron, please. For me. Take a break. You barely have time to look at m-" I start. "Ella! That's enough! I don't have time for this! I'm already behind schedule and I told you multiple times that I can't take a break! Now will you leave me alone for once!?" He yells. I'm shocked. I never expected him to say such things. Aaron realizes what he just said. He quickly stands up. "I-I'm sorry. I swear I didn't mean it. I'm just so stressed out and it ju-" he starts. "I'm getting sick and tired of this! You're constantly typing away at that stupid keyboard you barely have time to breath! Have you ever thought of how this affects me? You think it's easy for me? You don't even have time to look at my face! You used to be someone I can always talk to! Someone who would understand! Someone who would listen! Now you're somebody completely different! I wish I never let you take that stupid job! It changed you completely!" I yell. And before he can say anything, I walk out of the room and close the door behind me.


I can't believe what just happened. I honestly deserve it. I spend all my time working, and left no time for my dear wife. I have never yelled at my wife before. Tears start rolling down my eyes quickly, and suddenly I'm on the floor with my knees to my chest. I think it's happening again. I'm suddenly blind. I can't hear anything either. I don't know how I'm going to get through this by myself. "Hey? Man? You in here?" I hear a muffled voice say. "J was pretty pissed to I came to check out what's going on over here" I hear the voice say again. I feel somebody's hands touch my arms. "Hey, man. You okay? It's me, Kenji" I hear Kenji say. Out of all the people that could have came.

"Hey, man. It's okay. Just try to breath." he says. I turn all my focus on my breathing. "Copy me" he says. Kenji starts breathing in and out, encouraging me to do as he does. Eventually my breathing gets better. Kenji pats me on the back. "See, all better" he says. I smile.


I'm sitting in the living room, shocked at how my words affected Aaron. I can hear what happens in the bedroom from here. And I heard the panic attack. Kenji leaves the bedroom and takes a seat next to me on the couch. I want to go in there. I want to apologise. But not now. "He's really hurt" Kenji says. "I know, I know" I say back. I wait a few more seconds before I get up and walk into the bedroom.

Aaron is sitting on the floor still, staring at his lap. When he hears me, he immediately stands up. I walk over to him and sit him back down. "Love, I'm so-" he starts. "No. I'm sorry. I went too hard on you. I didn't know how much it would affect you" I say. I kiss him on his cheek. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me on his lap.

(836 WORDS)

ik i havent posted in a while. sorry abt that. i js lost motivation but anyways tysm EveLovesHerself for requesting n if u hv any requests plz comment them n ill 100% do them 4 u. beyyeyeyeyeyeye.

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