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━━ Every girl dreams of having the guy everyone wants staring exclusively at her. On Sunday, I went through the first phase of my love story with a guy who was just as amazing. We separated in an unusual way, as if we existed solely for each other. That evening, it was just him and me (with plenty of passion in the kisses and touches). There was just us.

The consequences didn't start until the following day. I have never lied so much in my life or made up stories to get my head out of a bad situation. Part of me saw spending the night with Rigel as a secret I needed to maintain at all costs. I was unprepared for the drama that was about to take place.

I wanted to spend another day at peace. This urge proceeded in the wrong direction, as if evil intended to interfere with my destiny. Sunday morning brought several things to the surface. I am not sure how I got out of half of the situations with my friends, who were acting like detectives.

Valeria appeared suspicious from the moment we met, as if she knew what was going on and was only there to enjoy the show. Lucia, on the other hand, reached out carefully about my current state. (I lied that I had a headache and that following my fight with Rigel, I went for a walk in the yard before looking for a spot to be alone).

"Are you sure you are okay? You do not have to clean the tables with us," Lucia stated, grasping my arm before I could grasp the tray containing twelve plates.

I don't deserve this kind of friendship; I constantly lie to them.

"Lucia, I slept for 6 hours, I'm fine," I lie again. No, I did not sleep at all. I spent the night writhing around on the bed due to the severe butterflies in my stomach.

I wish I had understood how easily the butterflies in my belly might be slain. In a very simple manner: simply ignoring it. He ignored me all day, did not even show up here, but the key is that I could not tell him what occurred. Nobody knows what happened, but it was necessary to discuss such issues, which is how I was raised.

I admit that I felt taken advantage of. I did not get into these circumstances very often, and I took my relationships extremely seriously. The last romance ended a year and a half ago, and the true teenage love broke. The one that should cause the most pain till the following one happens.

I asked myself, "Am I even ready for a new bond?"
Although I was already entangled with him.

My fallen angel.

Monday morning seemed like the most miserable morning ever. The mornings were becoming colder, and there was a noticeable change from the previous days; everything seemed as cold as a stone. Gym class was held early in the morning, as a 'wonderful' way to wake up. The girl's locker room never seemed drowsy; we girls were always talking about something. Inside, it was like a chicken coop: noisy and chaotic.

There was also a great deal of chatter. Somehow, the guys decided to overwhelm us this morning. The noise from the adjoining dressing room was much louder than ours, yet the boys cheered fairly and picked between two people.

Damian and Rigel.

My expression was frozen. My entire body stiffened as I observed a couple of girls staring at me curiously and muttering something to each other. Valeria took my hand and shook it. "Let us go see what is going on," She said, shaking my shoulders.

"I'll go alone," I tell her, rushing out of the girl's changing room and into the men's.

The two of them were on the floor, rolling on the ice tiles to prove their manhood. Both had already taken hits, and from this viewpoint, I could not tell which was in worse shape.

When they noticed me in front of them, they came to a halt for a while. (It was actually Rigel who paused and looked at me with guilt in his eyes; Damian did not hesitate and simply slapped him again.)

The boys were tossing various objects, and I could feel my fury rising inside me. I am not sure who I was furious with or why I had such a strong reaction.

Rigel cried out to me, "Grace," as he spotted me losing my composure. He gripped my forearm and drew me closer, keeping an eye out for Damian's next attempt.

"Can you just fucking stop it now?!" I said louder. It was more about the guys standing there admiring the scenery than the two of them. After a few shouts, there was silence.

Rigel was wiping the blood from his lip while attempting to move me away from the heart of the event. Damian was angry as he looked at me. But it was not just wrath in his green eyes; disappointment was much more intense.

"What happened?" I inquired hastily, my gaze drawn to his proximity and the bloodied lip that emitted a new wave of blood with each second.

Damian smirked sarcastically at the sight in front of him. "Ask him what he did," he says sharply as I lift my gaze away from Rigel.

He shrugs. "In one moment I was changing my clothes, and in the next I was on the floor because this jerk knocked me down," he says in a kind and calm tone, although the looks he gives him are filled with such venom that they are painful.

"Oh," Damian says, pausing briefly before approaching us again. "Show her what you wear around your neck like a trophy," he said to him.

I took a step away from Rigel and grasp for his torso. "Show me," I said gently.

"Grace—" I hushed him as soon as he spoke. "Show me what he is talking about, Rigel," I try to remain cool. To my amazement, the angel pendant necklace around his neck glows under the white LED lights in this dressing room.

I did not even realize I had lost it.
"I can explain," he says, placing his palm over his heart and swearing to everything in the universe that he has a reason.

"Let me explain"

At one point, I forgot we were in a crowded room, and Damian was not shy to join our conversation.

"Explain to her how you wear her necklace and brag that she was with you that evening," he said, reproachfully.

"You weren't feeling well?"
"From what?" he asked, placing his hands in his pockets and standing casually in front of me.

"I asked you out, and you agreed. You forgot about me when he showed up?! What the hell, Grace?!" his tone gradually increases.

Rigel regarded this as a threat and drew me closer to him. I jerked away from his contact. "Keep your voice down," he told him.

"You are going to attack me because I am yelling at your girlfriend?" Damian questioned him sarcastically.

"I will kill the god in you if she sheds a tear for you," Rigel replied, balling his fist. They both get into position, like two enraged bulls waiting for the red flag to signal the start of the fight.

I stand between the two of them before the situation returns. But Damian fails to react in time, and his palm ends up next to my head, landing on my shoulder, and I quickly grimace at the sensation of the impact, withdrawing to the side and holding back tears in front of everyone. Rigel sees this as an opportunity to fight back, but after one punch, the boys in the locker room scatter. We should have taken that as a sign to go our separate ways.

"All three to the director, now!" he exclaimed, staring at us fiercely. The professor was present for a little part of the conflict, but I am not sure what he saw or heard. I believe we are destined for retribution.

A LITTLE DEATH, rigel wilde Where stories live. Discover now