Chapter 49

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They pulled apart eventually, but Liz didn't let go of him at first. Darcy kept his eyes closed, his forehead resting against hers. She raised one hand to draw her fingers through his hair. She twirled one strand before tucking it behind his ear. She pulled back and his grip slackened enough to give her space but not enough for her to move entirely away from him.

He opened his eyes.

"Why did you come talk to me about this before?"

"I was... Well, I was trying to assure Bingley and then I didn't want to... overstep. If you still felt as you did in January, then I—"

"Oh, wasn't it obvious?"

"...Not really."

"Does this make it more obvious?" She placed one hand against his cheek, kissing him again.

"Perhaps slightly."

Liz balled one hand into a fist and, very gently, knocked it against his shoulder. "You idiot." Then she sighed and leaned her cheek against his. The skin on the top half of his face was sun warmed and soft; the skin by his mouth prickled gently with the tiniest strands of hair. "You were wrong, you know."

He closed his eyes again, resting against her. "It seems I... often am, these days. About what in particular?"

"You said we were very different from each other. But I think we're very similar, actually."

Darcy chuckled. "Well, that's new."

"It's really not. We're both more stubborn than smart, to start with."

"I'd say that's very impressive, because I think you're very smart."

She rolled her eyes. "I am also monumentally stubborn and you will never forget it for the rest of your life."

"Okay," he agreed readily.

Far too readily, she thought. She wanted him to be a little more nervous than that. She began by grabbing his collar and pulling him in for a third kiss. She wanted to keep going, to do it again and again until she lost count. He responded with ready enthusiasm to her touch.

When she pulled away, she kept hold of his shirt. "For example, I am not going to be taking down my one-star review of your book from the library website."

His expression spasmed and, for a moment, she thought she might really have injured him. "Don't even talk to me about that book." He didn't pull away from her touch, so she inferred his disgust was not aimed at her.

"Neither of us have acted entirely gracefully," she tried to assure him.

He only shook his head. "I know I told you in January that I stood behind The Breaking Point, but I have since... reconsidered. If I had not been under contract, I really believe it would never have seen the light of day. There are parts of that novel I am not proud of." His mouth twisted in a frown and his gaze drifted away, staring across the lake. "I've rethought much of my life since that day."

She put her hand on top of his.

Darcy looked up at her and turned his palm up, reaching his fingers towards her wrist. He held her there for several minutes, simply looking at her in silence.


If someone were to ask Liz what surprised her most about the sudden relationship, it was not the quick reversal—for it was hardly sudden; it had been coming for months, even without Lydia's revelation—nor was it the ease with which they fell into their roles. It was Darcy's physicality. It felt like he was always touching her, in a gentle, welcome way. His fingers at her elbow, an arm at her waist, knees or ankles pressed against each other, or his hand closed over hers. She wondered if she had had something to do with the movements. If he had seen the ease of touch between her and her family and wanted to try it himself. She did not complain, and always squeezed his hand back.

First Impressions: A Modern Pride and Prejudice AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now