Chapter 11

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Think of this as a random one shot I wrote one night on my notes app.

Layla awoke with a jolt. She had a bad dream. A very bad dream after a very long time. She hadn't had once since she moved in with her brothers. She couldn't remember what the dream was about nor did she want to. All she knew was that it was a sick, uncomfortable feeling. Like an intangible weight upon her.

She screamed for her mumma. Over and over again. When she used to have these bad dreams, her mother who shared a bed with her would off handedly pat her stomach. This small act of comfort would soothe Layla back to sleep.

Alas, the poor little girl's mother was nowhere to be seen. She had completely  forgotten that for a moment.

Hamish was still awake of course. It was only about half past midnight. He was still in his work clothes since he got off only an hour ago. Nicholas had put Layla to bed that night and dozed off himself.

Hamish bolted to Layla's room not even a second after hearing Layla's screams. He pushed the already ajar door open to Layla's room slowly, so as not to frighten the little one.

"Layla, what's wrong sweetheart? Did you have a nightmare?" His hand still held the doorknob, laylas nightlight subtly illuminating his face.

This was when layla came to realise that she had in fact not seen her mother in weeks. She was with her brothers now. Her frightened face morphed quickly. Her nose scrunched up and her already glassy eyes let a fat tear roll down her plump cheeks. She let a loud sob out while countless other thick tears stained her perfect face.

Hamish rushed towards the little girl and picked her up, placing her on his trouser clad lap so that she could nuzzle her head into the crook of his neck. He cradled her head in his palm, rubbing her soft locks gently.

"Oh sweetheart" he didn't quite know what to say, "it's alright. It's alright"

"I want mumma" Layla cried in between her sobs, tightening her grip around her brothers neck.

"Oh Honey" Hamish was heartbroken. "I'm right here. I'll do anything you want me to. I would turn the whole world upside down if it were to make you feel better." He said while rubbing her back.

Layla was still sobbing. She didn't know what those words meant but took comfort in Hamish's embrace. She knew he was better than her mumma.

Hamish  slightly rocked Layla back and
forth until her sobs turned into sniffles.

"Why don't you sleep in my room tonight, hm?" He asked.

Layla simply nodded against his head.

Hamish carried Layla into his dimly lit room and placed her on his freshly made bed and pulled the blanket over her tiny frame. "I'll take a quick shower and be right back" he said.

"Don't go" Layla said, clutching onto his shirt sleeve for dear life. Hamish hated sleeping on his bed in outside clothes. Today would be the exception. He would just have to change the sheets tomorrow.

"Alright" he said and climbed into bed, covering himself with the blanket. Layla laid her head on Hamish's outstretched arm and curled herself into his stomach, wishing she could get any closer. Hamish smiled, patting her back gently. He had fallen in love with this little girl.


Hamish woke up the next morning to the dim 8 o clock sunlight shining on his face and a completely numb right arm. Layla's head was still somehow resting on his bicep.  Hamish slowly replaced him arm with a pillow and waited a few seconds to make sure his sister was still asleep.

After finally washing up, he made his way to the aromatic kitchen, courtesy of nik. What o what could his dear brother be cooking today. Hamish peaked into the oven to see thick and fluffy cinnamon rolls on one side and berry filled tarts on the other, glistening with butter.  Atop the kitchen counter stacks of French toast filled three large plates. Nik was currently filling the counter top with whatever fruits and juices were left in the house.

"Dessert for breakfast huh?" Hamish asked.

"I woke up early and in a good mood. You are welcome"

Hamish sat himself by the kitchen counter after grabbing a piece or two of everything in the kitchen and chowed down. "Good shit" he said, mouthful of food.

It wasn't long before Layla walked into the kitchen, seemingly groggy and still half asleep.

"Morning Layla" Nicholas sung with a bright smile on his face.

"Morning" she said making a beeline toward hamish and trying to climb up his trousers and make her way to his lap. Hamish almost chuckled at her struggle and picked her up. She immediately turned around to face hamishs front and curled up, wanting to go back to sleep.

Nicholas raised a confused eyebrow to his brother, wondering where the sudden affection and comfort came from as he watched hamish rub her back soothingly while somehow still continuing to eat.

Hamish simply shrugged, diverting his attention back to his breakfast.

"Hey Layla, aren't you hungry?" Nik asked, bringing out a platter of freshly baked tarts.  "Have you tried wild berry tarts before?"

Laylas head shot up at the smell and mention of a wild berry tart. "Nu uh" she said, turning around to face the counter to  take a tart from the stack.

"Not until you've brushed your teeth darling. Come on now." Hamish said, picking her up and taking her to the bathroom. A recent dental check up let the brother know that one of them had to watch over Layla when she brushed or just brush them for her. Much to Laylas dismay, Hamish went over every tooth meticulously each morning, bending and squatting in a bunch of awkward positions to get a proper look at her teeth.

The two came out not too long after and devoured the rest of her food. Despite there being an unimaginable amount of food that morning, the Campbell siblings somehow left but not a single crumb.

I wasn't too long before hamish had to get dressed for work. His usual ritual would be to get both himself and Layla dressed and then drop her to school before work. Today was different since preschool was closed for the whole week for renovations.

Layla was still sitting on her older brother's lap after she had finished her breakfast. Hamish picked her up and put her on the ground and made his way into his bedroom, only to see that Layla had followed him, keeping very little distance.

"Layla, I have to get changed for work"

"Don't go" she said

"To work?"

"Mhm" she nodded, looking up at her brother with her little doe eyes.

"If only it were that easy"

"Please?" Tears were threatening to spill once again.

Hamish crouched down to face layla. "What's wrong sweetheart? Are you still a little shaken up from last night?" He said, holding her shoulders gently.

"I don't want to be alone. I'm scared"

"Of what?"

"I don't know" she shrugged "I just don't like it"

"You won't be alone sweetheart. Nik will be there the whole time. His friends too probably. And I'll make it a point to come home early. We'll eat dinner together this entire week. I promise"

"Okay" she said in a soft voice

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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