The note:

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Hey guys i know your all gonna be upset when yall read this and im sorry but i couldn't say goodbye in person it would hurt to much
To:Angela thank you for everything you have done for me and taught me and thank you for not only being a coworker but a friend i hope the baby and Jack live happy lives and i hope you and Wesley do too
To:Aaron you are an amazing person im really proud of the obstacles you over came  i hope i
Can work with you again one day and don't be afraid to tell Celina how you feel you got this Aaron
To:Celina good luck i know your gonna make an amazing cop i know we haven't known eachother that long but i admire you keep it up
To:Nolan looks like your the last one standing im sorry to leave you like this im so happy for you and bailey tell her i said goodbye i hope yall have an amazing life together
To:Grey thank you for not only being my boss but being a friend and a father figure i loved working for you
To:Nyla thank you for teaching me everything i know about uc work you truly inspired me i will never forget who taught me how to do this
And finally last but not least this one hurts worse
To:Tim please don't blame yourself for my leaving this isn't on you im so glad i got to know
You and care for you im sorry i couldn't be the person you needed i hope we can see eachother one day again and talk like we used to i love you probably always will don't go self destruct please i would hate to hear from someone that you got hurt or worse i have alot of regrets Tim but you are not one of them do me a favor talk to Tamara for me i couldn't do it i tried and i couldn't just leave her a letter i know your gonna hate me for this and im sorry i love each and everyone of you
Sincerely Lucy

Grey:she also left this but its only addressed to Tim he grabs the envelope and walks out to open
It in private he pulls out her necklace he gave her for valentines with a note Lucy:maybe one day you can give this back to me Angela is standing behind him trying not to interrupt the moment
But when she see him start to cry she can't stop her self from walking over to him Angela:its alright Tim shows her the little note Angela:thats sweet she will be ok and so will you Tim:uh yeah
Im gonna go talk to grey i don't think i can work today Angela:ok Tim knocks on Greys door Grey:hey come in Tim:can i take a day i can't think straight right now Grey:yeah of course take as long as you need Tim:thanks he goes home and sits next to Kojo on the couch Tim had his
Phone out his finger over Lucys name trying to
Decide whether or not to call but decides against it

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