illusions of the mind

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In the depths of the mind, illusions reside
Twisting and turning, they seek to hide
From the truth, they cower and flee
Creating a world that only can see

Illusions of grandeur, illusions of fear
They whisper softly, drawing us near
Leading us astray from reality's grasp
Into a world of shadows, where truths are masked

We fall for, we believe their lies
We chase after mirages that tantalize
But deep down we know, deep down we feel
That the illusions of the mind are not real

Yet still we cling to them, we hold them tight
For without them, we feel lost in the night
But the illusions of the mind will never last
They crumble and fade, like shadows cast So let go of the illusions that bind
Embrace the truth, leave the shadows behind in the light of reality, we find
Peace and clarity, a tranquil mind.

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