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Early morning she wake up after her aunt keep suggesting her to visit her new family after she officially adopted by Bolat family, which still one og her father best friend partner in architect business. Her parents death in car accident when she was 6 years. The she lived with her only aunt from her mother side in small village in Mardin. Until she was last year in university, was being adopted after the schoolarship was stopped by Artlife company.

Yes..Aydan Bolat met her in person when she was working on local restaurant in Mardin. Which she looks so hard working and helping Aydan which has a panic attack after  reading a news about her son in media. She help her come to her sense by making a herbal tea from her family creature. Then they talks and she being ask.more about personal life. One by oen Aydan find that Eda Yildiz is the daughter of his hudband best friend, Yusuf Yildiz. So she ask Alptekin to help het in schoolarship also being adopted as Bolat family because Aydan feel lonely at home when husband busy at wirk and her only son still finishing master degree in UK.

Ayfer as Eda's aunt finally agree that Eda being adopted in this age just because the Bolat family feel guilty about too late finding her for years as Alptekin has a promise with Yasuf to take care their daughter. They hard to find her because Ayfer bring her to Mardin to stay away from news spread in Istanbul about her parents death.

In a week she has a partly time to visit her second family. And beginning week, she's in Bolat house. And the middle until weekend she's back to her aunt old house in Istanbul. They're back to Istanbul since Eda was 17 years relates to her continue study.

Eda is so easy adaptation in a new family and a new community, especially Aydan socialita life. Sometimes she ask Eda to accompanying to her charity or business decoration.
"Eda cim, next week my son is back home. So  I need you to help me prepare the homecoming little party for him. Be patiently."
"What we're gonna do?"
"Just cooking for family."
"Okay. But maybe I don't have much time to join the party. Because I need to bring my aunt to doctor."
"At least you show up."
She nodded.

The day is coming, everyone busy preparing house for cooking and decoration for their only son home. A black sport BMW Z4 stop in  front of the house. Everyone stand up from table and waiting his entering.

Wears a white polos tshirt and blue jeans combined with white sneakers. He open the door and smile to everyone.
"Babam, merhaba." He hug him
"Hosgeldiniz my son."
"Benim kucuk..i miss you a lot." Both hugging.
He move to her mother side, a young beautiful woman offering hand for hand shaking.
"Welcome home." She said and give hand shaking.
"She is Eda Yildiz, daughter of Yusuf Yildiz, your father friend." Aydan explain.

He can't stop look and hold her hand, also she admot that this hot mature sexy Serkan is handshome too.

"E..ehrm." Seyfi clean his throat enough to make them stop hand shaking.
"Seyfi, merhaba." He said and hug this assistant like his own brother.
"I'm fine Serkan bey."
"Give me the profile." He ask in whispering and he reply with nodded understanding what he want. But deep down inside he feel that he ever saw her face in somewhere but he can't clearly remember.

When everyone pull their chair to sit, Eda walk to kitchen and Aydan notice.
"Eda, please join with us here."
Something crawling inside her stomache but  don't know why she feel a little bit nervous. Feel like a stranger sitting together with other family. Actually she went to kitchen want to bring the desert but Seyfi finally bring it after Aydan stop her.

They talk as usuall like a royal family they're only a famous architect family in Istanbul. Eda only talks for necesary topic that related to her. And in the end of lunch, Aydan opening a conversation about Eda.
"Serkan cim, we need and have to explain something to you. You know that we have a big reason that Eda were here. She is the daughter of you father friend. They were like a brothers, before he died, he said to your father to taking care her only daighter which still 6 years old. Bit when we try to find her, she's gone in Mardin lived with her aunt."

"Now we finally found her and asnI promose to her dad, I did it. So now she is adopted by us, so now she's become your sister officially.  I hope you didn't bother and can understand this." Alptekin added.

Serkan didn't react, he just give a deep look at her. This adopted information was spread before he come home. Engin is the one who leak this information from Seyfi. Yeah both men are like gossip guy. Serkan ever ask Engin to profiling her and now he jist ask Setfi to od it again. He look didn't surprise. But this is make Eda feel uncomfortable, Aydan feel worry about his son reaction.

Serkan guloed and clean his throat,
"Welcome to you, Eda. How old are you now?"
"23 years." She feel like familiar with his voice.
"Istanbul university in architecture design."
"Great. You can internship in office if you want." He offering just like interviewing employee.
"Ah..great idea." Aydan excited that Serkan accept their new family member.
"Do we ever met before?" He keep look at her and also have strange look at him.
"I'm not sure." She little bit confuse and try to remember something.

"Of course. Your childhood ever met each other. Sometimes I bring you to the site plan too." Alptekin explain.

After lunch, Eda help sit for a moment and ask for leaving back at home.
"I thought that you stay here after agreement."
"I think there is no agreement about me." She refuse as being an object of this adoption.
"So why you're leaving at least you can clean your room before leaving." He mocking.
"Serkan !" Aydan warn him.
"Yeah you are right, but sorry I already clean it before you're home. Alptekin bey, Aydan hanim. Thank you for the lunch. See you later." She walk out the room and not giving speech to Serkan.

He smirk looking that little arrogant girl treat him like this.
"Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday she stay here. And the weekend she's back to her own house." Aydan explain.
"Just in second both of you have a good chemistry as brothet and sister. This is good decision. And you Serkan, watch over her. You have a responsibility now because you have a sister." Alptekin mocking.

"Ne ? Better I'm going back to UK." He yelled and walk to upstairs stright to your room.
"And don't forget to clean your room before you go." Aydan mocking her son then smile.

Opening her own bedroom door is the biggest thing that she's been missing for days. She fall herself into the bed with, she miss her pillows and blanket then hug and squeeze it together. In a minute falling into sleep and come to her dream. In the dark room and only a glimmer of light from behind the window, she saw a dark silhouette shape a man body. She can see clearly what happen. But the man is look so real from a far. She saw it when she was laying in the bed. That man looked doing nothing but she feel that she's hard to breathe.

"Eda...Eda...are you in your room?" A sound give her shock and breaking the dream.
Trying to open her eyes, she look at the watch,
"Oh no no no." She yelling and quich stand up to go through bedroom.
"Do you have a schedule for class today or not?" Her aunt screaming for confirm from downstairs.
"Evendim." She entering bathroom and go get shower.

"Ah..this lazy girl is always make stuff like this everytime to go at school." Ayfer murmuring.
"Easy mom, she will already here soon. Don't worry about her. I already teach her so many things, she still my little sister." Melo said to her mom.

"Yeah both of you always make me surrender in the morning. Glad that you work now so you can manage your own time and schedule."
"Yeah even if the woke is not always be the good place at least I have something to do every morning and get money from it."
She jumping to the floor after the last stairs passes.

"Merhaba." She smile with no worry and take a one ship of coffee from Melo's glass.
"Again and again. Why don't you brewed your own coffee." Melo complaint.
"I have no time. Oke see you tonight." Eda bring her bag and running out to go in her car.

The car is very old design from his father. She still use it to mobilization everyday.

Having a family lunch he make some sit up and push up in his room. He looks so tense and all the vein and muscle turn bigger. With fast inhale and exhale, he take a small towel and rub it to his face, arms, chest,shoulders because he was shirtless. After drinking mineral water he prepare to hot water in the shower.
When he get shower, he clean his hair and himself and suddenly has a flash dejavu.that he was on the shower with the shower faucet open, and someone suddenly hug him with two soft tender hands around his stomach.

He shake his head left and right make the dejavu faded. He doesn't know it was a dream or dejavu. He quickly showering and dry himself then opening his laptop to see some journal that record all the schedule that he had done.

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