Part 12

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                                     - Lydia -

Seb bounded in front of us. The air was crisp, summer was creeping in and that meant it was already fully light now. That made me happy, it was perfect for a walk. Seb was lolling his tongue, following close to the little girl I had in tow.

She was swinging one foot in front of the other, following the cracks on the path. She said she wanted to because she always played that game when she walked so I agreed to as long as she stayed close. I didn't need to be responsible for child disappearance.

I sighed as I walked, humming to the songs I had in loop in my brain. I heard the slam of feet along the path as I looked back up at Lili rushing over to me again, grinning.

She stopped at my feet which forced me to stop too. She raised her hands with a goofy smile that I couldn't help but smile back at. She was handing me a bunch of daises and daffodils that she had picked from the grass clearly.

I sighed and took them.

'Oh thank you! These are so beautiful Lili!' She seemed to jump with joy at that comment and it made me grin ear to ear.

'Hey ms. Corbyn?' I heard her chirp as she went and started walking beside me, swinging her arms.

'Yes sweetheart?' I asked trying to always keep my voice gentle for her.

'Can we do reading today?' She seemed so sweetly enthusiastic and that made me smile. I loved it when kids were excited to learn.

'Oh of course we can.' I nodded and she quickly brushed the hair out her face and nodded running ahead to chase Seb a moment before yelling.

'Thank you Ms. Corbyn!'

We reached where the park was in this big old place, I never went this route but I knew Lili would want to go on the park. So, I decided to take her.

Lili's eyes lit up and she looked back at me, as if asking for permission to run ahead and go, and I nodded. Seb would chase her anyway. She wouldn't get hurt.

I watched her run through the grass, towards the park and as expected, Seb ran after his tongue lolling, so I also cut across the grass to follow close.

God this skirt was ruined.

                                   - Maria -

I had took this morning to lie and read since I didn't have to drop my baby. I had fell asleep in the process, I guess I was sleep deprived.

I woke to a buzz from my phone. A lot them. Repeated like shots. I sat up with a groan. Who would want me this urgently at this time.

I pulled my phone over from my side as it lit up to show Lydia.

12 missed calls, 45 texts. Fuck what was going on.

I pressed the green answer button as soon as it popped up again.

'Lydia? What?-' I was cut off down the line as she spoke fast and urgent.

'God Maria I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen, it all went so fast, God I didn't even see it happen!-' she wasn't even taking a breathe.

'Woah woah, Lydia slow down what's wrong?-' she let me finish this time.

'It's Lili, god I'm sorry, I'd didn't mean to-' I felt my heart jump in my throat. I felt like I was going to throw up.

'Lydia. What about Lili?' My words came out sharp, tense. What the fuck. I stood up and immediately got my shoes half on, grabbing my keys. I didn't need a fucking coat anyway. I burst out the door after a moment of heavy breathing down the line before she spoke.

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