Glitter Wizard: Wand Power

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Written by Matthew Sinn/A.K.A. Sinbad the Mountain

Glitter Wizard/Old School

Three days have gone by. With no clue where the group of armed men and their antique car have gone. Yet alone disappeared. I decided to go some research an learned. That there had been a few robberies across Romania, with the thief driving the exact same car. Which had escaped from me. Yet still wondering where they could have gone. I began looking up any places that they could have been hiding. An learn about this small bar a few miles outside of the city. Which was also under apparent renovations. Making this the best place to hide. With me now hurrying over there later this evening. To stop these thieves and get some answers too.   


Glitter Wizard/Bar Target

After flying for a good long time. I had eventually reached the site and began approaching it from the left side. Who looked around an found a slightly uncovered window. Allowing myself to peak inside and spotted the armed gang. Who had some sort of road map laid out on the table near them and somebody wearing a black ski mask, standing at 5'7, dress like the others and light blue color eyes began speaking. "Alright men, listen up". "The armored truck is leaving the bank tomorrow at 1:00pm". "Leaving us only twenty minutes to rob it". "An get out of there before the cops arrive". They all seem to understand as I used my powers to bust down the back door and spoke. "Hey fellas". "Did you miss me"? That's when they quickly drew their pistols an me turning them into harmless bananas. Before moving in to lay the beatdown.  


Glitter Wizard/Indoor Fight 

Running towards the crooks with my wand at hand. I began using my magic to start knocking them into the nearby walls and watched them fall onto the floor. With me facing their boss and spoke. "I don't know who you are". "But your seriously going to jail". Facing me he replied. "That's what you think". As he suddenly vanished before my eyes within this grey smoke. Who wasn't sure where he went. Until he quickly appeared on my left side, while wielding one of the Tommy Machine Guns. Which he started shooting at me. While I blocked with my magic barrier. As he spoke to his men while still firing. "Time to go boys". Who saw his thugs start getting up and rushing out of the building. With the mask man quickly joining them. As I now tried to chase after them. Until they threw a bomb into the room. which quickly explode.  


Glitter Wizard/Burn Escape

Siting there within some pain. I was glad my magic barrier went up again before the bomb went off. Otherwise it would have been curtains for me. As the entire room was on fire and the ceiling starting to become unstable. I quickly hurried outside an made it outside. Where I now used my magic to make this large snowstorm to start putting out the flames. An stopped the place from burning down. Which was great. Except that the crooks escaped and were sure to go into hiding. Making it finding them harder then before. 


Glitter Wizard/Boom!

Glitter Wizard: Wand PowerWhere stories live. Discover now