chapter 10 the date

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3rd pov*

Y/n had been in his room and thinking if he should take zora on a date he was a bit nervous but he knew that he can do it.

Small timeskip*

Y/n took a deep breath and walked outside of his home and start heading towards the woods to ask zora to go on a date but as he walking and reached the park he noticed zora in her human form talking with his friends

Y/n:"hey zora what are you doing here"

Zora:"well i wanted to return on the city to relax for a bit cause it's hard for me to live in the woods it's very boring being alone and constantly need to fight for food and fight other carnivores"

Y/n:"oh ok, zora i need to ask you something"

Zora:"sure what is it"

Y/n:" would you like to go on a date with me"

Zora would smile at Y/n

Zora:"of course"



Y/n:"uhhh alright meet me at the park at evening"

Zora:"alright i should go get ready then see yah at evening"

Zora would start walking away


Sam:"see you shouldn't had been nervous"

Max:"you should now go get ready dude before even arrives soon"

Y/n:"yep I'm going"


It was evening and and zora and Y/n met at the park

Zora:"so where should we go"

Y/n:"well i know a restaurant that is close here so let's go there"

Zora:"alright let's go"

Y/n and zora wo go to the restaurant find a seat and they would sit down and order their food and some minutes later the food would arrive

Y/n would immediately start eating his fries and steak and zora would copy how he eats the steak cause she doesn't know how humans eat and doesn't want people to think she's strange or weird

Zora:"hey Y/n i need to ask you something"

Y/n:"what is it?"

Y/n:"how are we going to be together without your parents or other people figure out that I'm not a human, i mean what will i say if someone asks me where i live or where did we met i can't say that I'm a dinosaur i can get in trouble"

Y/n:"don't worry i know what to do me and my friends can give you some money to buy an apartment to live at and you can then take a job and then boom we will be together without anyon figuring out you're a dinosaur"

Zora:"that's an amazing idea"

Y/n:"i know"

after they finished Y/n would pay for the food and then he and zora would sit on a bench and have a small talk and then Y/n would go back to his home and zora back to the woods

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