Chapter 1: Rhea

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The funeral was absolutely awful.
I know I shouldn't say this, considering my father was the one in the casket, but it truly was the worst funeral I'd ever been to. The flowers were too bright and my father was wearing a suit.
He, to my knowledge, absolutely detested the thought of fancy dress. My mother knew this. I knew she didn't really care. She'd been cheating on my dad for the last five years with our neighbor. Not that it surprised me.
"Rhea, love, come say hi to your aunties. They've missed you."
Speak of the devil.
"Mom, I can't. I have to leave soon. I have a meeting."
She looks incredulous.
"A meeting? You're aunties miss you, come say hi."
Ugh, when will this woman just let me be. I'm a fucking adult for Christ's sake.
"Can't. Love to. But I can't. I'll see you on sunday."
Sunday was our family dinner night, and I don't think I'd ever missed one. My mom would spend hours upon hours cooking homemade food in casserole dishes. The kitchen would smell like Kochi, the city I'm from in India, for days afterward, and I loved the scent.
The only time we all skipped on the day was when my sister, Ayah, had her baby. A beautiful little girl with dark chocolate tresses. God, I loved the little stinker, but she was definitely a handful.
"Right... Rhea, you know I've been worried about you." Huh? Worried?
"And why is that? I'm fine..."
"You've just been so focused on work, I don't want you to waste your life away only to regret your choices when you're old and grey like me."
My mother never liked me being an artist. Called it 'a waste of time and money that you'd never get back in return.' But I'd never listened to my mom and I wasn't about to start then and there so I got an internship for one of the best artists in the city and did that for two years until finally, a gallery director found my work and decided he was adoring of them. He put them in his gallery the next week.
"I won't, mother, I promise. I'm doing good, I just got a new job. I'll be alright."
"Sweetheart, if you need money -"
"I don't." I cut her off. He eyes began to sag and water in sadness.
"If you do. Please call me or your sister, you could always come back home."
"No, mom, I'm fine. Please. I have to get going or I'm going to be late. I love you."
"Love you too, darling."
I leave without another word.

The gallery is absolutely gorgeous. Large glass windows from floor to ceiling. Wood accents with black, which shows off the paintings way more than white walls would have.
A man in a white button down and slacks walks in my direction, and I recognize him as the director of art for the gallery. Mateo Vañiez. A man of few words, but he holds so much power, I can't help but do a double take to make sure I'm seeing things correctly.
"Ms. Ahkmatti? It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm..." I cut him off with a whisper as I continue to stare at his features. He's just as attractive as the pictures show. God, this man is gorgeous.
"Mateo Vañiez..."
He chuckles, and the tone is so deep I can't help but wonder how his wife feels when he's around her. Does she get this intrigued with her husband?
"That's right. I'm thrilled you decided to sign with us." He sounds sincere, and I follow him through a few sets of doors until we reach the main gallery. "This is the gallery space. I was thinking we could put your main pieces towards the back, like a build-up to the big event, you know?"
I didn't realize I wasn't paying attention until he snapped his fingers, and I came back into reality.
"Rhea? You alright? You seem out of it."
I shrug my shoulders like it's not a big deal. "Went to a funeral this morning."
"Oh, wow. I'm so sorry to hear that. Who passed?"
"My dad." His eyes widen as his mouth drops open. He instantly starts shaking his head and apologizing.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I had no idea. Lo siento, Lo siento." He repeats, slipping into his native tongue. "I understand if you don't want to be here right now and you can leave -"
"No, I'm fine. There were beautiful funeral arrangements." I lie through my teeth, a huge smile coating my features.
If he senses my lie, he doesn't say anything about it and instead leads me to a huge centerpiece wall.
"There's only one piece missing from the gallery. Something big. Can you have anything done in five months?"
I nod my head. "Oh, of course. Is there anything specific you had in mind?"
"Nope, whatever your heart desires."
Smiling, he concludes the walk through and walks me to my car, a silver Ford Fiesta, and waits until I'm safely in the driver's seat before he asks me to roll down the window.
I do as he asks.
"Just so you know, I appreciate you coming out here, especially with everything that happened this morning. Please, if you need to talk, I'm here."
I smile widely and show all my teeth, a blush coating my cheeks.
"Of course. Thank you for having me in your gallery it's a pleasure to showcase my art with you, honestly."
With that, I roll the window back into place and start my car, backing out and 6 for my house. I can't wait to take a nice, relaxing bath.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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