Chapter 26

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Next day

Lisa got ready for her flight to korea. Her manager and bodyguard picked her up.

After a while Lisa arrived. After greeting the fans. She quickly went back to her apartment.

She saw how the place was empty. She thought Taehyung would be staying there but turns out he didn't even came by.

She impatiently called taehyung. After many tries she gave up. Laying on bed thinking how busy he must be to avoid her calls.

Taehyung's pov:

I know lisa is coming back today but since the ceo called all of us for a meeting, I can't contract her now. I had to leave my phone in the dorm, since it wasn't allowed in the meeting room

After a 2 hour meeting we finally decided on the concept. We had to write our own verse so it took us all day and still we weren't satisfied with the outcome. So we will try Again tomorrow. We finally get to rest and it's already dark outside.

After going back to his dorm he saw how many times lisa called him. He quickly called her back


"You arrived? "-taehyung asked feeling kinda guilty as he couldn't make time for her

"It's too late to ask, I guess"-lisa

"Sorry, I was very busy"-taehyung

"I know You're working on your comeback but at least you could have texted me beforehand that you will be busy "-lisa said as she was frustrated

"I'm sorry, next time I will keep that in mind. Have you eaten? "-taehyung asked

"Not yet. What about you?"-lisa

"Me neither"-taehyung

"Then are you coming? "-lisa

"Lisa the ceo forbidden us to stay outside past 10 p.m. So I can't stay over "-taehyung

"Because of the comeback?"-lisa

"Yes but he promised to give me some break after the comeback. I know how hard it must for you to stay without me baby"- taehyung

"It must be harder for you "-lisa said while laughing

"Yeah it's already too hard "-taehyung

"Just make do with your hands"-lisa

"You dirty gurl. I was talking about my life. And also nothing compares to your hand in that field "-taehyung said teasingly

"Shut up. I will be staying in my dorm till your comeback. If you wanna come over to my apartment, tell me beforehand "-lisa

"Okay okay. Make sure to eat and sleep well. Don't eat takeout all the time, okay?"-Taehyung


*3 days later*

Taehyung was finally done with his recording

It was still early so he quickly went to lisa's apartment.

He went in and saw all the mess lisa left behind

Aish this girl!!!!

He quickly cleaned everything up. And told lisa to come over

After a while

"What the heck!!! Is this really my apartment!! "-lisa was shocked to see how neat and clean it was. She Doesn't even remember that she didn't clean it

"Must feel good to see a clean house, when you didn't clean it"-taehyung said appearing out of nowhere scarring the shit out of her

"Oh my gosh you scared me!!!When did you come?"-lisa

"About two hours ago"-taehyung

"So you cleaned the house?"-lisa was embarrassed

"Who else? Come here, give me a hug"- Taehyung said while opening his arms

Lisa quickly give him a tight hug.

"Are you not staying tonight? "-lisa

"Why wait till night, we can do that now"- taehyung

"You're such a pervert"-lisa said while slapping his chest

"I want to stay with you but I can't. I can't control it anymore, I need you"-taehyung said while tightly hugging lisa as his chin rested on her neck

"Taehyung we have a live performance tomorrow "-lisa said worriedly

"You Don't want me?"-taehyung asked seductively

"I do!"- lisa quickly regretted what she just sad

Taehyung laughed at her response

"Don't worry baby girl I Won't mark your neck. Your dress Won't show your boobs, right?"-taehyung

"Which one?"-lisa asked cluelessly

"The one you will wear in your performance tomorrow "-taehyung

"No, why"-lisa

"Good, I will mark your boobs then"- Taehyung said in a low voice

"What? Noooooo!!!!-lisa


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