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I got up, yesterday was my grand father's funeral and now I was in the palace of Norway...

I got ready.

I.tried to call my friend. Everyone was despising  me for some danm reason. Maybe because when I was with them I told monarchy was a shit show.

And now I'm the monarch.

I called my best friend,she was not picking up.

It said "Hey, it's mira. Leave a message"

"Hey mira, call me when you're free" I said.

I screamed laying flat on the bed.

Magnus entered and asked "what happened?"

"Eh, nothing" I said and got up.

"Ok. Fredrich wanted to meet you." he said

"No, I'm not meeting him." He said

"Ok." He replied going to close the door

"And tell him not keep calling me." I said.

I got a voice-mail, I opened it and It was Fredrich.

He said "Hey, babe. Can you call me?" 

Tomorrow was my mom's birthday. I anyway had to see him...

I called fredrich, but he didn't pick up. I left a voice mail.

"I miss you" I said.

I just wanted to speak with someone.

"Crown princess, you have a visitor" Maria entered and said.

"Who?" I asked

"I suppose it's the  prince of Wales" Maria answered

"I'll be down" I said.

I changed into a normal suit.

I had to be properly dressed, my mom had a arranged a date with the prince of Wales and me because she said; I could choose whoever I want to get engaged and I had one year. I went down stairs.

I saw the back of Harry.

He turned back.

"Hello" he said and shook my hand.

I could not stop thinking of fredrich.

"Hello" I shook his hand.

"Princess Charlotte-louise" I said introducing

"Prince Harry of Wales" he introduced.

"My deepest apologies to interrupt but I suggest you go to the backyard" Maria said.

Harry looked at me.

I said "sure" nodding
He nodded.

We walked to the backyard, we stood walked around the backyard. The paparazzi was already climbing over the wall and taking pictures.

I laughed at the paparazzi, they knew already we were gonna appearance.

"so you like horses?" He asked

"Yeah, I have many of my own" I answered

"I represented Wales in a match once and I got second place" he said

"That is good because I represented manchester in under 15 and lost." I said.

"You should've seen my coach and my fathers reaction. They thought I would be better of as a spare." He said jokingly

"Aww." I said smiling.

"Sir" Harry's secretary said.

"Yes" Harry turned after back to see his secretary

"It is time" Harry's secretary said

"Ok, can i have a paper and a pen?" he asked

"Sure sir, I'll go get it." He said and walked away to get it.

"If you don't mind, what do you want it for?" I asked

"It's a secret" he answered laughing

Harry's secretary returned with the paper and pen.

He wrote down something. And gave it to me.

"It's my personal" he said and left.

"Bye" I said. I kept the paper in my pocket.

I came to my room. I opened the paper.

It was his number, he wrote "call me :)"

I laughed and blushed...

I remember when I was a child i used to always wanted him and used to tell my friends and I'll marry him one day. He was my childhood crush.

I called his phone, he picked up and answered "yes"

"Harry" I said softly

"Charlotte" he asked

"Yes" I answered.

"Where are you?" He asked

"In my room" I answered

"Oh" he said

"Going to the palace now?" I asked

"Yeah" he answered softly.

He kept talking till he reached his room, I walked around in my room. Around the palace. Everywhere speaking to him.

It had been 2 hours since we were speaking. 

"Bye, I have to go" I said

"Bye" he said.

It was already dinner. I just sat; I was already mad at the sight of my parents face..

My mom asked "how was your day?"

Magnus said "it was fine"

"And yours char?"  He asked

I just said "as shitty as being here"

"Don't speak like that" my dad said

"No!" I said

"enough! We did not raise you like this" my dad said

"OH MY GOD! STOP THAT NONSENSE! YOU RAISED ME LIKE THIS!" I Screamed and slammed the table.

The guards tried to hold me back.

"Leave me!" I said and shook.

My mom sat like nothing happened; I ran to my room.

I had a missed call from edvin; I called him back "yeah" I asked

"So cutes." He said

"Shut the fuck up" I said

"Ok, well there's this girl. She's gorgeous and everything and how do I propose" he asked.

"Ask her" I said

"Bitch, tell me" he said

"Well, my bitcheth. Give her flowers and heal her daddy issues if she has" I said.

"Ok'' he replied

"Bye" I said and hung up....

I changed into comfortable clothes and slept...

"Well that was a shit show" I thought before dosing off

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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