Part 3- Dorm Mates

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Part 3:

Standing at the base of the intimidating cast-iron gates of Stone Wall High, Harry Potter was anything but scared. Sure he was a touch nervous, but this was it, his big opportunity, and he wasn't going to let it go to waste. He pushed his raven black hair out of his eyes and straightened his tie. After checking himself over one more time, Harry walked through the gates, his sack of belongings over one shoulder. He wandered through a drab gray courtyard and followed a sign to the dorms. The place was practically deserted, but he had been instructed to arrive earlier if he wished to board. There were two rooms for his year level, one for boys, one for girls. After scanning the notice on the door, he realised it was just him and one other boy, Justin Longbottom. 

Harry involuntarily snorted at the boys name, before pushing the door open. He must have arrived before Justin had, leaving him first choice to which bed he wished to use. The room was divided in half and looked as though it must once have had four beds. There was a large amount of space, much more than Harry had ever had anyway, and flat, narrow beds on either side of the room. One was an emerald green and the other a deep crimson. Just as he was striding towards the green bed at the back of the room, a round-faced, broad-shouldered, flushed boy, with chocolate coloured eyes and hair, burst through the door, almost knocking Harry over.

'Sorry,' The boy panted. 'I'm Justin.' Harry nodded and shook his hand. 'I'm Harry. Harry Potter. I was going to take the green bed if that's alright....' Justin nodded vigorously and dragged a trunk over to the front of the room, where the other bed was placed. The boys got on well, and Harry felt relieved to have made a friend so quickly. Justin was brave, happy and Harry could tell he had courage. He also had ambition, not quite as strong as Harry's as he was willing to sacrifice everything for his family. A good ally to make, Harry thought. After an hour of chatting and unpacking, there was a knock on the door.

'Come in,' Justin called. A thin, formidable woman, with grey hair pinned up into the tightest bun Harry had ever seen, scowled at the two boys, unpacked and talking. 'Glad to see you two have met,' The lady smiled thinly. 'I am Madame Gall, the dean of this building.' The roommates scurried to their feet to greet her. After introducing themselves, the Dean presented the boys with a list of rules before departing to greet the girls


Dorm Rules

- The room is to be kept tidy at all times. There will be inspections each Thursday.

- Lights need to be off by 11:00 pm each night. You must be in your dorm by 9:00 pm.

-You cannot enter your room throughout a school day, only from 4:00 pm onwards.

-You may decorate your room however you wish, but you cannot do anything that cannot be undone, (eg. paint)

- You will be allowed to leave the grounds from 12-3 pm on Saturdays and 3-4 pm on Sundays. Otherwise you must remain on grounds at all times.

- You must keep the noise to an acceptable level as there are other boarders here.

- You may wear casual clothes before and after school as well as on weekends, but you must not let any student or teacher see you in casual clothes if they are not boarding. You are required to wait until they leave.

- You may go in another dorm with the consent of All boarders in that room. You may only go in dorms belonging to peers from your year level.

Any questions; please see the caretaker Mr. Bosh who shall also stay overnight with you all. He is located in Study 19B


Justin and Harry scanned the rules and nodded. They both felt excited at the prospect of decorating their room. Both boys finished unpacking, and Justin gifted Harry a spare tie and jacket. 'Thanks' Said Harry gratefully. He shed his own jacket and undid his tie, revealing his baggy T-shirt. After he changed, Justin checked his watch. 'We have an hour or so before the assembly, do you wanna go meet the girls in our year level?

Justin tentatively knocked on the door and stepped back to wait. A beautiful girl opened the door. She had long, flowing, dark brown hair. Her eyes were sapphire blue and she had pale skin like Harry's. She was almost as tall as him and was thin and willowy. She wasn't his type, but Harry could picture others falling over for her. Harry nudged Justin, bringing him back to reality. 'Hey' Harry awkwardly opened the conversation. The girl was surveying them coolly. 'Hello, I'm Iris Chang.' She replied. 'I'm Harry Potter and this is Justin Longbottom.' Harry introduced his friend, giving him time to get back his senses. Another girl appeared behind Iris. 'Hi Harry!!! I'm Amy Bones!!!!!' She was short and pudgy with red cheeks and braces. She had square glasses that seemed to magnify her eyes. The glasses were pink with small flowers decorating them. Her hair was sandy blonde and in two braids behind her. 

Harry could hear the exclamation marks as she spoke. Iris subtly rolled her eyes at him and fondly threw an arm around the girl. 'May we come in?' Justin voiced the question everyone had awkwardly been waiting for. 'Yes, of course, sorry for the mess.' Iris replied easily. The girls had arrived only an hour prior, a bit later than the boys. The room was very much the same as theirs, except the two core colours were a sapphire blue and canary yellow. 'What are the colours for?' Harry asked hesitantly. 'I'm not sure!!' Amy replied. 'But yellow is my favourite colour, so happy!' 'Blue is my favourite colour as well' Chang added. 'I think they were old students decorations  the teachers couldn't remove.' Harry nodded, this made sense. The boys gave the girls a tour of their quarters before they decided to go to the hall to get ready for the start of school tour and assembly.

'Umm, does anyone know where we are supposed to go?' Asked Justin, realising he didn't know. 'Yeah, I grabbed a map and asked Gall where we go and when,' Replied Iris. 'What was your plan?' 'Didn't think that far ahead...' Longbottom mumbled. Iris snorted and Harry had the impression that she liked the idea of them wandering around lost. 'This way.' Iris directed them. The group chatted merrily but Harry listened more than talked; Justin did enough of that for both of them anyways. Amy was a very cheerful, happy-go-lucky type of girl. She loved plants and wanted to be a doctor. She was incredibly fair and loyal. Iris on the other hand was very smart. She had memorised the map after just a glance and was above Harry in almost all subjects. Not only was she smart, she was also wise. She had much wisdom to offer, if asked. She also had a very persuasive look about her. Harry was sure she could charm just about anyone.

The foursome arrived at the entrance of the hall around 15 minutes before they were supposed to. The door was locked and though Harry could have picked it easily, he thought that may not leave the best impression on the school. The group talked some more as they waited for Gall to arrive. They shared their ages, and it turned out Harry was the second youngest. Iris was slightly younger than him and Amy was older. Justin was the oldest to no body's surprise. Just then, Madame Gall appeared, leading a large, rough looking group of kids around their age. Introducing them she stated, 'Ah yes. These are the boarders. They are here on a scholarship type program, allowing them to sleep here overnight.' Most weren't listening to her, but a couple were staring at Iris and some laughing at his baggy, home-dyed shirt. He flushed, but felt Amy standing firm next to him. 'I have friends' He thought, 'It will all be ok.'

A/N : This chapter is a touch longer, but it has the rules which did take up a bit of space. I hope you like what I've done. You can probably tell where the story is going, based on the names, but a big chunk of the plot I haven't revealed yet, and it's going to confuse a lot of people, but make the story make sense. Anywho, Hope you enjoyed!

Cheers- Rogfforg

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