2. Daniel

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I opened the door and saw a beautiful, young,with black and brown hair.

Fuck. She is none other than Alica Hoover. The girl I used to fight the most when we're in middle school. She was my junior. I hate her.

"Why are you here?", I said.
"Well, that's  none of your business. But why are you here?"
"This is where I live."
"You work here?".
She looks confused.How dumb is she! She's like this since childhood.
"It's my fucking home."

Just then Raya entered the room. Two bowls of pasta in her hands.

"Oh, you guys already met?" She said
"Why is this guy here?" Alica asked.

"What guy? This is my brother. I see you haven't met him yet. Well, this is my brother, Daniel Pierson. And Dan", she turns towards me, "this is my best friend, Alica Hoover."

"Shut up. We know each other.", I said.
"Whaaat?, how?"
I laughed, "I used to bully your bestie when we were in middle school."

Raya was silent. God this girl is a dumbass. Alica is still in shock to say anything. She might be scared to see her bully as her bestie's brother.

"So you guys met in middle school and you bullied her?", Raya finally spoke.
"She bullied me too, okay", I said.
"Breaking a bottle of water by accident doesn't mean bullying. You are the one to bully me because of that. Only I know how I manage to survive your bullying.", Alica said in one breath.
"That's wasn't an accident. It was 3,000 dollars. Are you gonna pay me back, you hamster."
"Dannn",Raya screamed.
"Stop calling me hamster, you volcano", Alica said.

I giggled, "So you called me volcano behind my back, huh?
"Nothing, you just gonna regret it", saying that I turn to Raya and said, "Listen you got a letter from Melody Masters." And throw the Letter to her face.

I quickly got a bowl of pasta that she was holding and started walking towards the door.  Before I step out I winked at Alica.

Of course, she gonna regret it...

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