Dimming Lights.

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The Earth was created billions of years ago. However, in the very dawn of time, there was nothing but darkness. There was no land, no water, nothing.

Not until the Sun and Moon came to serve.

Ferue, the Sun, and Duratus, the Moon, aided the earth, helping it to grow and nurture. Ferue provided the Earth with light and land, as Duratus gave the Earth water and air.

Together, the Earth could thrive.

Soon, forms of life appeared on Earth. Forms of life that began to speak their own language; forms of life that could thrive under the power of the Sun and Moon.

Years later, humans, evolved from Apes, were born. Although Ferue and Duratus could understand the land and water animals, it seemed as if the humans knew more.

More than they were supposed to.

Duratus warned Ferue about this issue, ushering him to prevent the humans from figuring out about their shared sacrifice.

Unfortunately, Ferue brushed the problem away and waved his glowing hand.
Once the humans began to speak more... refined words, they usually spoke about how bright and beautiful the Sun was, basking in its glory.

Ferue, standing brave and tall, provided the humans with all the needed sunlight, favoring them.

Meanwhile, Duratus took favor to the wildlife, adoring their beautiful, silked coats and their way of defense.

Ferue took no part in caring for the animals, leaving them with Duratus. Enraged, Ferue asked one day on why he preferred the animals.
Duratus responded with the simplest answer there was.

"They're beautiful." He muttered, glancing down at the animals beneath, some sleeping, some basking in the moonlight.

Ferue rolled his eyes and focused on the more 'sophisticated' humans.

Centuries go by, Ferue and Duratus have developed feelings of spite towards each other. Ferue couldn't stand how Duratus cared for the quieter creatures rather than the intelligent ones.

As for Duratus, he hated Ferue's hunger for power, bragging about how humans were simply better than "puny animals".

To Ferue's demise, the humans began to talk of how the moon was beautiful and brighter than the sun, adoring the beauty of the quiet, solemn Moon.

The Sun himself was enraged, burning brighter day by day, trying to gain the attention of the humans. Unfortunately for him, that only made the humans begin to HATE the Sun, talking of how hot it was day after day. How pathetic.

Duratus, however, did not care for it.

Burning with anger, Ferue began to fight Duratus, causing an Eclipse. He punched and clawed at his face, leaving deep, deep dents in Duratus' skin. Once Ferue was victorious, he locked the Moon away, taking his light and power, leaving Duratus weak.

Ferue went on to serve the Earth with only heat. He assumed that if he just brightens and dims his light, everything would be fine, and all the humans would live in the burning sun until the end of time.

Oh, how wrong he was.

The ocean tides rose rapidly, killing his beloved humans, and constantly hurting the humans no matter what he did. The plants wilted and most life forms began to go extinct, including the humans.

The Sun began to weigh his choices, either to bring Duratus back, or to let the humans die and hope to bring a better version of them. The possibilities of the second choice were too much to risk for.

And so, he brought the Moon.
Even if the Moon was back, he was chained. Everlasting spells cast on his frail form, preventing him to even speak properly.

In hopes of the humans to thrive once again, he provided an average amount of his power to the Moon temporarily.

There seems to be no hope for Duratus.

He pleads his apologies to his beautiful animals, giving them as much as he could as Ferue gushed about the humans.

He has accepted his fate.

I was supposed to publish this to the Library of Aletheia, but Roblox deleted my first story and now I can't make another book :(
Anyway hi:3 hope you enjoyed!!

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