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He met her when he was twenty years old. She shined so bright that her eyes were all he could see. Defiant eyes that burned with life. He didn't know then that the defiance in her bones came from a special place of having her fate predetermined. Her death predetermined. 

When Ryne found out about what she had been through, he didn't know if he could be anything other than an embittered man who had given up on his life if he were in her place. But she burned bright. And he was drawn to her like a moth to her flame. 

The night she gave herself to him, he would never forget. Because it was the first time he had truly felt the feelings she stirred in him without restraint. He had let himself go that night. And in that freedom of expressing what she meant to him, he found a soulmate. A companion for life. 

When he came inside her, he knew, she was the one. It wasn't an impulse. It wasn't infatuation. It was an intuition that his life had been grasped in the palm of this petite girl. And even if she was willing to let go someday, he would not agree. Because he was willing to be imprisoned for a lifetime. 

The months leading to that fateful day were blissful and terrifying. Blissful because he felt like his heart was doused in sweetness. And terrifying because he could see the dark clouds looming in the sky. As much as he wanted to lock away his days with her, he seemed to know that something was brewing and he was sure he wouldn't like it. 

Perhaps he knew before that moment but it was when she suggested the exchange to his celestial mother that he realized that he had truly, utterly fallen in love with this beautiful girl and just the thought of losing her made him feel as if a part of his soul were being ripped out of existence. 

He knew that if he lost her, he would never be whole again. He begged her that day. He remembered getting down on his knees for the first time in his life. He begged his tormentor to withdraw her sentence but she mouthed an, "I love you" and walked away from him.

The memories after that had always been a blur to him. All he knew was that he had a second chance to hold onto her dearly and he would not give it up for anything. 

He probably felt insecure after that day, tortured, afraid, but he knew all of that stemmed from his love for her. With time, the deeper he fell in love with her, the more he feared she would abandon him, driving away all the color in his life. Maybe someday she would feel suffocated by his tight grip on her existence. 

But ten years since that fateful day and she was still willing to reassure him every single day, every single moment that she would never leave. She whispered one night after passionate undulation of their bodies, "I am willing to love you for an entire lifetime, even the demons I created."


Speaking of the demons she created, his eldest son, Aviel Novak, was almost ten years old now. A little demon who inherited both his powerful magic and the love he received from Hecate from him. Afterall, Aviel was both Hecate's champion as well as her grandson. Her love for the boy was boundless. She even whisked him away to her court for a month every year. 

The second child Meredith gave him was in his opinion a complete angel, his Lyra. But his wife seemed to disagree. She would always tell him that a Dragomir can never be an angel. Well, Lyra Dragomir truly was no angel in a sense, as she inherited Meredith's dragon blood. His princess was a little violent but as a daughter-con he was completely willing to overlook that. If she wasn't violent wouldn't any random boy abduct her away? No, it was good that she was violent. Very good. 

Ryne kissed the forehead of his wife sleeping in his arms. There was a third demon they had created and it was currently lying in the sweet embrace of her womb. He just didn't know who this one would take after. Meredith hoped it was a boy and while he always agreed with his wife, he secretly wished it was another daughter. Hopefully, this time a little less capable and violent so he may experience what it felt like to be a protective father. Maybe the third one would allow him to beat the boys that try funny business. 

"What are you thinking about?" Meredith asked with a yawn as she looked up at him.

"You," Ryne said, kissing her again.

"At 2 am?"


"Sleep, warlock. That's enough thinking. I told you. I am willing to love you for an entire lifetime, even the demons I created."

"Don't call them all demons. Maybe just the older one," Ryne blurted out.

"What?" Meredith seemed confused for a second before catching his train of thought, "Ryne Novak! Do you secretly think of our children as demons?"

"Sleep, dragon.... Shh... shh... Your husband would never do something like that. Sleep, baby. I love you."


A/N: You asked and I delivered. That brings us to the true end of this book. There might be a possible spin off about a certain possessive fae and his clueless human prince. 

Do comment and let me know your thoughts about Ryne, Meredith and their cute little family.

Thank you!

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