Lady's Lock

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Once upon a time, in a land not so far,

A girl walked through the woods, carrying a jar.

The jar was filled with flowers of every make and size,

Their sweet-smelling perfume gathered up inside.

The girl walked in the Forest of Black,

Too meek and shy to keep at eye in the back,

So she didn't see what lurked close behind,

Closing in with vile thoughts in mind.

The warlock was evil with a heart of ice,

Blackened teeth and a soul of vice.

He used his evil magic to make,

A golden flower on the edge of the lake.

A beautiful flower with petals so full,

That no girl could not resist its pull.

He said, "This flower is a Lady's Lock;

It will bring her to me 'fore the chime of the clock."

She walked up to it, so young and sweet,

Wearing a dress and her hair done neat.

But the warlock proved to be evil and old,

And his magic was dark and deathly and cold.

The moment the girl touched the flower,

She was seized by the warlock's power.

Thorns sprang up from every side,

Trapping the poor damsel inside.

The Lock took hold, so cruel and cold,

Thorns wrapping 'round the flower of gold.

The girl cried out in pain and fear,

But nobody heard, for none were near.

The warlock laughed, merry and bright,

At the girl who was trapped and tied up tight.

The Lady's Lock had her and did not let go,

The thorns sinking in ever so slow.

So the warlock gleefully took his prize,

Applauding himself for being so wise.

What happened next, no one knows,

Some say she was cooked and devoured by crows.

Others say she was turned into an unwilling slave,

And yet others claim she was chained in a cave.

But all the stories about the girl with the jar,

Warn girls to not stray in the woods very far.

For there an old warlock will follow as they walk,

And trap another damsel with his golden Lady's Lock.

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