Milk Drunk, Belly Full

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If you asked Peter and Tony how they got here, where Peter was comfortable breastfeeding- chest feeding? Tony didn't really have breasts despite his body trying - from his mentor while said mentor followed his omega instincts, they honestly wouldn't know where to start.

It was easiest to start with Tony, however.

Howard Stark always had such big plans for him when he was younger, ever the planner he was despite how unpredictable children were.

He was going to be an alpha who went to the top schools and have a nice omega wife and have a few kids to carry on the Stark genes. He was going to show how strong the Starks were by dominating their industry in weapons, show the world that he was as great as his father was and would carry on his legacy...He was supposed to, anyways.

All these plans seemed to change when Tony, at age thirteen, had his first heat.

The boy, barely in his teens, had felt like shit all day and had simply pecked at his dinner before heading to bed. It was there, alone in his room, that heat and pain hit him like a truck, barely having the strength to call out for help, to Jarvis, to his mother, to anyone who could hear him.

He was curled up in a tight ball when Jarvis and his parents rushed in, the position making it so he didn't see the look of shock and worry from either Jarvis, who rushed to retrieve any and all heat items they had, or Maria, who rushed to his side to try and comfort him. He didn't see Howard standing in the doorframe, a look of disgust and disappointment on his face as he made no move to rush to his crying son's side.

He barely remembered that week was hellish, in all honesty. It had passed in a blur of pain, bland food he could barely choke down, sleep, repeated towel changes, and heating pads.

Jarvis and his mother took shifts to help him through it all, Maria knowing what a pain a first heat could be and Jarvis knowing exactly what Maria was requesting when she gave specific orders- not that he needed said orders.

The exhaustion and full bodily ache afterward was not something he would ever forget nor had anything ever really surpassed it- though that may just be due to it being a formative memory, regardless of how little he remembered -yet he didn't have time for anything more than a quick shower and a couple painkillers before Howard was dragging him to his first omega doctor's appointment. For heat suppressants and birth control.

It took a couple appointments, the doctor having wanted to do some tests given it was his first heat, but he was given everything his father asked for and he took it religiously despite all he did.

Through the end of high school where he graduated much earlier than his peers, through college where he was the youngest of all the students and going to class hungover and sleeping around, through his parents death and through most of his adulthood...until Afghanistan.

His first time missing his dosages in nearly thirty years all started when he was kidnapped just after their "Jericho" missile demonstration, leaving him without any for three. full. months. He was honestly lucky he hadn't been thrown into a heat like his first given measures they put into place to keep him "contained".

His scent barely gave his heat away- his scent was barely there in general, a concern for if he lived through the ordeal -and Ho had been able to keep the slick soaking his only pair of pants hidden whenever possible.

He hadn't been able to go back on his heat suppressants or birth control when he finally managed to escape, oh no. His doctor tells him during the check up for more- given his old ones were gone -that it was too risky with his new heart condition and that he should've been taken off both years ago.

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