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(I hope u enjoy pookie!! :3)

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(I hope u enjoy pookie!! :3)


Lucifer was coming back from a meeting with the sins, feeling a bit uneasy.

He'd just met The Prince of The Lust ring's partner, stopped fights between the sins, which made the huge headache he had grow even more. Lucifer didn't even walk through the hotel door once he got back, he just teleported himself there.


You're spinning me around-


The king took off his boots, coat, and set his cane up against his bed frame before collapsing into the covers, rubbing the sides of his head to try and make this hellish migraine go away.

Lucifer immediately felt himself sweating more, removing his blankets to try and cool himself off.
Sooner or later, a shadow appeared in the middle of the room, proofing away to reveal the radio demon staring at the miserable, tired looking king.

" Well don't you look dandy your highness?" Alastor said with a chuckle, startling Lucifer a slight bit- causing him to groan.


My feet are off the ground,


Lucifer sits up tiredly, following with ye another painful groan. "Hey Al." Lucifer said, looking with squinted eyes up into the radio demon's.
Alastor chuckled and walked over to the king, holding his chin. What's the matter my king?~"
Alastor put the back of his palm on Lucifer's forehead, taking it away a couple seconds after to take his temperature and making medicine appear out of this air, with magic obviously.

Alastor put a thermometer in Lucifer's mouth and then began preparing him some medicine to take. Say- you'd think the king wouldn't get sick because he's immortal- guess not.

Lucifer's head fell to the side , the thermometer barely hanging on in his mouth as he slowly began to fall asleep.
Alastor took out the thermometer and sighed, feeding Lucifer the medicine- making sure he swallowed it all so he wouldn't choke.


I don't know where I stand,


Alastor took off his coat and hung it on a nearby coat rack, putting Lucifer in the same place since it had just been thrown on the bed and not put away. Alastor took the king and lied him down, putting a light blanket over him as a small smile appeared stretching his lips.
"Don't worry Lulu, you'll be alright by tomorrow."

Alastor said, pulling out a book from hell knows where and sat on a nearby chair, beginning to read.

... "(Do you have to hold my hand?)"

Next morning, Lucifer awoke; as soon as he sat up he felt a rush of pain hit him like a train. The king groaned out aloud in agony, lying back down. From how it looked the "headache" could be enough to make the king cry.

Alastor looked over as he heard the groan, setting his book down and getting up. Alastor walked over to the king and examined him for a quick second before chuckling behind his teeth. "Not feeling much better I see," Alastor began preparing more medicine for the king.
Lucifer just lied there, groaning in pain. He could now feeling his throat swelling up, making him not want to talk.


You mystify me,
You mystify me,
You mystify me.


Alastor gave Lucifer some more pills to take, along with a water to help him get it down better. Lucifer almost began tearing up when he swallowed.
Alastor patted the king gently on his back and put his jacket on, and grabbed his cane.
"I'll be back later luci, I have some work to deal with."

Lucifer nods and rolls over, going back to sleep.

..." (Oh, when you walk into the room,)"

Lucifer wakes up in the middle of the night, his headache seizing for a bit. He sits up and stretches, feeling well enough to stand. He walks over to his desk and takes a sip of the water Alastor left for him.

After setting the now empty glass back on the desk, Lucifer looked outside of his window at the sleepless city. He shook his head as he went and sat back down on his bed and lied down, falling back asleep.



It all happened so soon,


The following morning, Lucifer wakes up, feeling a whole lot better than the day before. He sits up in bed to see Charlie and Alastor standing before him.

"Goodmorning dad! How are you feeling?" Charlie asked, a tint of worry in her voice as she looked at her father. She isn't at fault though, and it makes sense why she'd be worried. Lucifer had large eye bags and his skin was paler than paper- even if his skin was already paper white.

Alastor sets another glass of water down on the nightstand and pushed it towards luci to drink.
Lucifer grabbed the glass and took a sip. "I'm feeling better than yesterday that's for sure.." Lucifer replied, setting the glass back down on the nightstand.


I didn't want to know,


"That's good to hear, I'm glad!" Charlie exhaled reassuringly and smiled. Alastor took out a thermometer and measured the king's temp. "Only 150 degrees." Alastor said, examining the thermometer. Which was around a normal degrees for Lucifer, even if he still had a small fever.

Lucifer sighs and stands up, a bit too fast I would say. His legs give out a bit and he falls into Alastor's arms. Alastor chuckled and held the king close to him. Charlie giggled and started out the door. "I'm going to go help Vaggie with breakfast and awake the other residents, take care dad!" Charlie said with a smile as she left, closing the door behind her.


Does he really have to go?


Alastor picked up Lucifer carefully, nuzzling their heads together and Alastor giving luci a peck on the bridge of his nose. Lucifer yawned and rested his head on Alastor's chest.

"Do you want any more medicine?" Alastor asked, chuckling under his breath at the king's actions. Lucifer nodded, Alastor putting him back on the bed as he prepared a lower dose of meds for Luci to take.

Alastor walks back over to the bed and hands the pills and water to Lucifer, Lucifer taking the medicine and watering it down with water.
Alastor sits on the bed beside the king, Lucifer resting his head on Alastor's shoulder after he puts the water on the nightstand.


You mystify me,
You mystify me,
You mystify me.


Word Count: 1087

I hope you enjoyed this rather long chapter! I haven't done one in quite a while,, and thank you @Neva_is_cold for the req!

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