House arrangement

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Chapter Two

After he's done bathing he comes out wearing my brother's sweater and the jacket I gave him earlier. He looks fresher now ...a total different man. I'm seeing this super tall , dark tattooed man with humongous muscles and a scruffy fade wearing clothes that are clearly not his. I thought my brother was big however as I look at this guy my brother is no match. I'm even wondering where I got the power to drag him in the house.

"Are you sure your brother won't have a problem with some random man wearing his clothes?" He asks upon his arrival in the kitchen.
"You should sit down. Let me make you something to eat and no my brother won't have a problem." I busy myself with veggies. I'll boil mixed veggies and fry chicken. If I serve that with rolls and juice I'm sure we won't starve the whole night.
"I thought I should help." He clears his throat.
"Are you serious?"
"Yes." He says seriously. He's really not joking.
"You need to nurse yourself back to health sir, I mean Jordan."
"So that I move out." He moves to the sink to wash his hands and my eyes follow him.
"No so that you become okay." I convince him or myself. The truth is I really do need him out of here before anyone sees him.
"So I can't help?" He turns to look at me and I shrug under his gaze. He looks intimidating, I feel so beneath him in every way.
"Unfortunately." I smile and he limps back to the living room. Can he even cook?

"Here you go." I put his tray on the coffee table. He washes his hands in the tiny bowl then I rush to the kitchen and grab the paper towel. "Here." I stretch my arm and he grabs the roll , tears his bit then wipes his hand. I grab my plate as well and sit on the single sofa. I don't have a tv, I usually watch stuff on my laptop so I guess we're going to listen to each other' s chewing. "God bless the food,the hands that made it and the people who will eat it Amen." I open my eyes and Jordan is staring at me ,more like judging me really.
"Any problem?"
"You could have just told me to wait for you to bless our food before I dug in you know."
"Oh?" Is all I manage.
"What think I don't pray?" He raises his eyebrows.
"Do you?"
"Not really but where I'm from, I was taught to fit in everywhere and do what the Romans do when I'm in Rome."
"Well then sorry." I laugh a bit.

After eating in super torturous silence I notice he's done eating , his plate is all cleaned up, I realize that I'm also full all of a sudden and I stand up with my plate . In an attempt grab his empty plate he looks at mine. There's a drumstick and a few veggies. "Are you going to eat that?" Oh Lord! I would never. He is really eating my leftovers.


It's early in the morning when I wake up and sit in bed for a while. Do I really need school? Who came up with it anyway? What was their problem? As if coming up with school wasn't enough, they went and said we had to wake up in the morning to attend it argh! I'm just not up for it honestly. I decide it's time to hug my miseries and make my bed, shower and prepare myself for yet another day.

I head to the kitchen when I hear my cupboards banging, I hope Mr gunshots is not attempting to cook. "A dead person won't answer my questions Kai, I want him alive okay....Good!" He yells and drops the phone. What kind of man did I let into my house?
"Umm morning." I manage and he turns. I'm only noticing now that he's wearing perfectly fitting clothes... a plain black T-shirt and black jeans. What did I miss? He even has a phone now? On the counter there's plenty of groceries. Why is he acting like we're living together now. "Hi?" He says coldly and I shrug, he notices and tries to loosen up. "How did you sleep?" He tries for a conversation but I'm now past that.
"I see you bought stuff." My eyes wander around the room.
"Yea Kai had it delivered." He explains and I nod. "Umm please feel free to check if it's everything we'll need." He says and suddenly I feel like we're roommates. I move to the plastic bags and I notice they are from Goodies Market. That place charges you $6 for one egg. He has money to waste I see. I open them one by one, beef, chicken, different kinds of vegetables everything everything then a plastic bag from Gilly's pharmacy catches my eye. I open it and I see a first aid kit, the big container. "Umm I figured we'll need one." He says and I look at him.
"How did Kai know we need this."
"Well I am hurt and you need a first aid kit in your house." He mindlessly says .
"I mean how did he know he had to bring it?"
"I have a smart watch Sabrina." He almost rolls his eyes. Now I feel like he's bragging.
"Okay I'm going on campus, there's cold meat in the fridge, well I don't really know what you like to do during your spare time but there's a few novels on that shelf in the living room, I'll leave my laptop, you'll find something to watch and-"
"Take your laptop with you." He interrupts me.
"No it's fine really I-"
"No I'm serious, I'll manage." He finally sits on the kitchen stool. He looks like he's in pain all of a sudden.
"Are you okay?" I ask and he just nods...typical pride of men. They never admit they are feeling something until they decide to take their own lives.
"So now what? do I give you lunch money and a peck on the forehead." He laughs.
"I'm now feeling like your grandpa or something, you think I'll die if you leave me alone for a few hours." He laughs and I join him. He looks so good when he laughs.
"I'm going to be late, bye." I smile and move.

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