The Nightmare (Wolfstar)

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(Wolfstar because yes. Fluff and takes place in 1994 summer, also my AU)

It was about 2 am when Remus woke up. He didn't feel like going back to sleep. So he was just laying there, staring at the ceiling, until he heard someone silently crying. He turned to his left.

It was Sirius. He seemed to be having a nightmare. His body was shaking and tears were pouring down his pale skin. Remus moved closer and put Sirius's head to his chest. He wasn't sure if he should've woken him up or comforted the sleeping dog.

A few minutes later he saw Sirius open his eyes. He hugged Remus hard and cried more, but a bit louder.

"Shhh its okay" whispered Remus in a calming voice.

After a few minutes, Sirius had calmed down a bit. Sirius heard Remus's heartbeat. It always calmed him in any situation. It made him feel safe and protected.

"Would you like to tell me what happened?" Asked Remus softly.

" was you. You were getting tortured by Voldemort and I.." Sirius started crying a bit more. He sounded very scared of what he dreamed of. 

Remus wondered what the dream looked like and what happened. It seemed Sirius was very disturbed by the dream. And since Remus was as caring as he was, he knew to not ask about it again.

"Im here now love." Said Remus comfortably

"And Ha..Harry was dead t..too" Sirius said sadly.

Remus held Padfoot closer and kissed his head a few times. Sirius wrapped his legs around him lovingly. 

It took about an 1 hour for Sirius to stop crying and fall asleep. Remus was happy he fell asleep since Harry was coming in a few days. Remus wanted Harry to have evidence that he was taking care of Sirius. Harry probably would trust Remus though because how he treated him when he taught Harry in his 3rd year. 

Remus was very excited that Harry was coming but barely ever showed it. He and Sirius hadn't seen Harry since Harry's fourth year winter break at the burrow. That was also when the two men told Harry that the had been married for a long time. He remembered the reaction Harry had when they had told him.

(1993, at the burrow)

"You both are what now!?" Harry exclaimed in shock.

"Married." Said Sirius. Remus saw that he looked scared. He knew it was because that he didn't know if Harry would support them together.

"Do you know how happy I am right now!!" Harry said happily. A tear fell from Harry's face.

"Wait do you support us?" Asked Sirius. It was very obvious that he did, but Sirius was always the oblivious one in the big friend group they had. (Besides Peter ofc)

"Of course I do!" Harry said happily and hugged both of them tightly.

Remus had a big smile on his face while Sirius was crying happily.

Remus whispered into Sirius's ear,"Goodnight love." He kissed his forehead and fell asleep.

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