Chapter 1 ; Abandoned

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It all started in a motel.

sounds of birds, the feeling of the humid texas air, people talking and… my mom panicking. 

I could see her facial expressions, the way her body was tense and the quickness of her trying to pack bags. As an 8 year old, I didn't understand. I didn't understand why we were here and now why we were leaving, but the knock at the front door would tell all. My mother seemed frightened at the sudden knock, making her jump from the poorly packed bag that was overflowing with clothing. I watched as she moved towards the door, peeking through the peephole and a gasp escaping her. I continued to sit, my hair nappy and my body dirty from countless days without a shower. 

Another knock rang, and my mother would soon, but reluctantly, open the door. It was a woman. She was dressed in business attire from head to toe, and topped off with a shiny silver badge hugged to her chest. I stared in wonder, not knowing who or why she was here. My mom looked back at me, signaling to her lips then stepping outside. 

I forgot.

Before my mother had started to pack in a hurried manner, she told me if anyone was to ever ask me weird questions… always say she was a good mom. That I was fed. That I had water. That I had a good life. My eight year old thoughts swirled and swarmed, wondering what could possibly be happening until they were caught by the sudden click of the door knob. The Lady came through, all smiles and sunshine. That's what I saw anyway. I could see my mother outside, but it was brief before the door was closed behind the woman. She sat infront of me. I looked at her, asking what was happening and if Mommy was okay. I was reassured. And it didn't take long for my little brain to accept it.

The questions started to flood, the woman gently asking things such as;

 How is everything with your mom? Do you have food, water, clothes, a shower? 

Of course, I answered everything with a Good… Yes… Yes… Yes…

It didnt take long for the woman to leave, as my mother came scrambling back to the room, the door locked behind her. 

We left the motel that day.

We drove miles and miles on end, to me seemed forever, to my mom seemed not fast enough. and as forever came to an end, we pulled into a dirt driveway, the car bumping against the rocks. I recognized this place. My aunt's house. I felt my chest tighten, I hated my aunt. I exasperatedly asked my mother why we were here as she scurried to get luggage from the car, which confused me even more. Once the luggage was out of the car, my moms hands cupped my face, I felt the warmth and calmed, I smiled up at her which would turn into a furrowed, confused look when tears filled her eyes. She planted a small kiss on my forehead. I love you, Baby. I returned the comment before asking why she was so sad that was followed by why we were here. She pursed her lips in a painful look. You will be spending a few weeks with your Aunt! its gonna be so much fun, baby. I Promise, just a few weeks.

With an empty promise that I believed to be real, I nodded. My aunt came out of the house, my uncle following suit and reluctantly grabbing my luggage as my mom gave one more kiss goodbye, and I watched… watched as my life would fall into shambles with her car leaving behind the tree line and Gone.

End Chapter 1 , ABANDONED. 

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