chapter 2 ; Betrayal

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Chapter 2 , BETRAYAL

I stood in front of my aunt's house, a hand slowly beginning to rest on my shoulder once my mom was out of view. My heart was pounding… I could feel some sort of hurt.

I soon went inside.

I was met by my cousin and a few other family members. I wasn't sure how to feel, react, or even talk to the others as a child whose mother just left.
So counting days would soon begin, and so would the traumatic events that would take place. My aunt always hated me, it was evident. Why… I was never sure. My cousin had autism, heavily. And my aint adored him. I hated him for it. I couldn't understand why she loved him so much more, and I was just a side piece that was a Burden. Which, I knew I was, even at the ripe age of, now, nine years old.

Days would pass, my mother would be unheard of.. I could see the growing resentment and hatred within my aunt and uncle, not knowing why my mother would just Dump me. I started to be rebellious. I started to hide things, steal, stay within the confined space of my room, and be disrespectful towards my family. It would soon slap me in the face. Literally. Days would go where I started to go to school with bruises; bruises around my wrists, arms, even my face on certain days. The teachers never spoke a word about it, as I always lied, coming up with some excuse.
I fell… Oh, that's from rough housing… I was playing outside…
Everyday was a new excuse. Everyday was a new bruise. This went on for months at a time, and the hope for my mother's return was starting to falter.

But the day we heard a knock, I nearly jumped out of my skin with excitement. It wasn't her. It was another woman, dressed as the first, that Shiny badge reminding me of the first encounter. The woman conversed with my aunt briefly, before both pairs of eyes set on me and my aunt motioned for my uncle to grab a few things. I was confused. My uncle came back, hauling my luggage they had packed while I was in school. My heart sank. I would ask where mom is, and if I was going back to her. The woman's face scrunched. I'll tell you more… just follow me to the car, Honey. I followed with the glimmer of hope that I would be going back to my mother's. Yet, when I was placed in the car, the door closed to give the woman and my aunt privacy, my aunt would smile and seem to thank the woman for taking me off of her hands.

The woman entered the vehicle.

I would begin to ask questions, one after another with a continuous nervous tone. The woman would reassure each question as we began to drive. But it wasn't enough, where was my mother? With this question, I watched as the woman would silently try to figure out the next lie to tell me.
Uhh… well, she is… just having some issues, no worries. she will be back before you know it.  I would go silent. But that silence wouldn't last long as I inquired on where we were headed. To my other aunt's house… that's not too bad.

The drive was three hours.

Our arrival would be a tired one, me groggily waking up to the sounds of the car shutting off and the woman opening the door to great my Aunt and Uncle. I watched from the car, my eyes heavy with exhaustion. My door was soon to be opened, being greeted by my aunt and uncle with smiles and hugs. My luggage was taken, and the woman gave her goodbyes.

and now the official beginning of the story of my life within foster care.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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