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TIP: Scroll and read slowly!

POV: You're in 2078 and you are a father of a five-year old kid. The country is overpopulated so the governments decided to reduce the population by killing old people and kids ranging from 3 to 7 years old.

In 2078, the country became overpopulated causing a lot of challenges and difficulties to improve the beloved place, so the governments decided to reduce the population by killing the old people ranging from 60 older who are not working and kids ranging from 3 to 7 years old.

It was unannounced so you never knew that the people who came to your house to inject your child a so they called the anti-rabies for kids and supplements for the old which is actually an experimental medicine to weaken your immune system and kill you slowly inside in a span of 3 weeks to 1 month--you let them because you thought it was for good.

Your child named Mathew, he is 5 years old, and you are the only parent of the child. You love your son too much that you can't even let go of him. Weeks passed and the number of deaths due to some diseases are increasing, mostly from old and babies.

What's your reaction?

Another week had passed, and you had observed that your child became weaker since then, he often got sick, and you could see that your child is sick, so you wanted to check him up and the doctor gave you a medicine -- which actually to prevents the bacteria that has been spreading on his body to not be suspicious because your child will die next week if he never gave you those.

The doctor's heart is still warm as you could see.

You were glad when your son finally gets back to its normal mood but can't be too happy because you found out that your neighbors child died suddenly.

Death after death. A week after, the news announced that there is a virus spreading around the country and its target are those who are younger and older. You felt nervous as you look into your child coughing.

A day after that, you found out from your neighbor that the people who injected the children came back to take the children because they will be put under tests to see if they're positive and negative. However, only your child will go, and you're not supposed to come with them. You are not willing to give your son to them because you didn't know what could happen if he resulted positive.

An hour later, you waited for them to come, and you saw them coming into your house. Adrenaline rushed in your veins.

What are you going to do?

You took your child and decided to hide him.


You hide him inside the washing machine with few clothes above his head.

Just after that, you heard a knock from your door. With a heavy feeling, you walked into the door and opened it.

They asked you if you have a kid and you nodded. They told you the same thing your neighbor told you. You told them that your child is with his mother, you reasoned out that you have a poor marriage and both of you agreed to take the child every month. 

They didn't believe you and decided to walk into your house. You told them they can't because they're trespassing but they didn't care -- they're doing their job--.

Your heart beats faster, you're sweating because you know that if they found out that your child is just there, they will take him even you don't want to. They looked everywhere inside your house and found nothing, so you felt relieve.

They were about to go outside when they suddenly heard a loud noise coming from your laundry area, so they decided to search once again.

What could it be?

You felt a lump on your throat as you swallowed your nervousness because you know its from your child. You didn't talk as you follow them.

Your world was about to turn upside and down when they stare at the washing machine.

What do you say?

You screamed it but you were too late. They opened it and they saw your cat. You were surprised and felt a sense of relief, because you thought you're going to have a heart attack.

All of three of them was amused by your Persian cat, one took the cat from the washing machine, as they raised Coco, your cat, some clothes were hanged into his paw.

Make your reaction.

Your eyes widened when you saw your son's head.

They were too busy with your cat that they forgot that they still have business to do so you went near the washing machine and fixed the clothes. Your son was so obedient that it never made a noise-- he's sleeping--.

Say something to your child.

The trespassers decided to finally move into another house.

You're finally free, you thought. So, as they move into another house, you took your son from the washing machine. The truth was you left the washing machine opened because you're in a hurry. The cat then decided to jump over and the loud noise they heard come from both the lid and from the movement of your child.

You thanked your cat somehow for being cute enough to distract the trespassers.

One day.

You were sleeping with your child, but without your knowledge, Mathew went out of the house and the neighbors were surprised to see your child outside. You wake up from the noise and found out that your child is not on your side. So, you hurriedly looked for your child, you went outside, and you almost had a heart attack when you saw him with your neighbors. Your eyes widened when one of them was calling the healthcare.

You never had time to think about your next move, so you took your child and went inside. You get your luggage and bag; you were ready to leave your house. You don't have any choice but to hide him again, so you talked to him, the child probably didn't want to hide once again in a small space, so you insisted.

You left the house with your child and took a taxi.

While on the way, you opened the bag to let your child breath, you kissed him in the forehead and cried. You felt sorry for what your child has to gone through.

Say something to your child.

The driver noticed that you were crying, so he asked you, but you didn't answer. But suddenly, your child wakes up and spoke. The driver was shocked to see a child inside your bag so he stopped the car and confronted you.

What are you going to do?

At first, he suspected that you kidnapped a child, but then he realized that you were hiding your child so you asked him if he can let them pass but your child was coughing very loudly.

The driver then stopped driving the car.

You look outside through the window, and felt calm because there are only few people outside.

You thought the driver don't want you to ride, but you were surprised when he opened the window and pushed his head outside.

What do you think he's going to do?

He screamed. "People!"

He's trying to get the attention of the few. The first try was a failure, so he tried another one. You know you need to do something; you can't just let the few know that you still have your child.

So, you looked inside your bag, you felt a sharp pointed tip cold metal. You took it.

You pointed it to the driver's waist, making him feel stiff.

You know that there are few people outside but they're too far to be heard by the driver, however they can still suspect if there's something happening. But you just can let the driver roared and roared until you caught.

You need to do something.

Are you going to threaten him until he gives up or are you going to kill him?


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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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