25. Soiree

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As I stirred from my slumber the next morning, the events of the previous day flooded back into my consciousness with startling clarity. The encounter with Kael, the unsettling confrontation with Louis, and the tense atmosphere of the Shadowlands palace all seemed like fragments of a dark dream.

The soft breeze carried the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and the distant chirping of birds filled the air with a melody of serenity. Despite the turmoil of the previous day, the peaceful ambiance of the Summer Court offered a comforting embrace, a sanctuary amidst the chaos that lurked beyond its borders.

I rose from my bed with a renewed sense of purpose, the events of yesterday still fresh in my mind. Though the shadows of the Shadowlands loomed large in my thoughts, I refused to let them overshadow the tranquility of my home.

Stepping outside onto the terrace, I closed my eyes and let the warmth of the sun wash over me, filling me with a sense of peace and clarity. In the gentle embrace of the Summer Court, I found solace and strength, a reminder of the light that resided within me.

After I finished preparing myself for the day, I descended the stairs of the Summer Court, the soft rustle of my dress echoing in the grand foyer. Excitement buzzed in the air, for tonight, the court was hosting a soiree, a celebration of light, laughter, and camaraderie.

As I reached the bottom of the staircase, I was greeted by the bustling energy of the courtiers, each adorned in their finest attire, their smiles as bright as the sun that bathed the courtyard in its golden glow.

The anticipation of the evening's festivities filled me with a sense of eager anticipation. It was a chance to cast aside the worries of the world and revel in the joy of the present moment, surrounded by friends and loved ones.

As I conversed with the handmaidens about the final arrangements for the evening's soiree, my father's voice rang out from across the room, calling my name. I turned to see him approaching, a serious expression on his face that gave me pause.

"Aria," he said, his tone grave as he reached my side. "I need to speak with you."

I exchanged a quick glance with the handmaidens, a flicker of concern passing between us before I turned my attention back to my father. "Of course, Father," I replied, masking my apprehension with a calm demeanor. "What is it?"

He hesitated for a moment, as if choosing his words carefully. "I have decided to invite King Oberon to join us for tonight's soiree," he said finally, his gaze searching mine for any sign of objection.

My eyes widened in shock at his announcement, a surge of concern rising within me. "Father, are you sure that's wise?" I asked, unable to conceal the worry in my voice. "Inviting the king of the Shadowlands will only cause disruption among the guests."

His expression softened, though the gravity of his words remained. "I understand your concerns, Aria," he said, his voice gentle. "But there are matters that require his attention, matters that concern the safety and prosperity of our realm."

I frowned, struggling to comprehend his reasoning. "But why tonight, of all nights?" I pressed, my confusion mounting. "Surely there are other times and places where such discussions could take place."

He hesitated, his gaze flickering with uncertainty. "There are... certain developments that cannot wait," he replied cryptically. "I need to speak with King Oberon about... certain alliances and agreements."

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