
7 2 1

It's the phones.
The constant urge to scroll for hours on end,
The drug in our pocket that we all heavily depend on.
We are turning into robots-
Wires for veins
A.I for a brain,
Fake news tattooed into our skin.
We are turning into robots,
Liking the same videos,
Doing the same dances,
Laughing at the same skits,
Our personality molded till it's identical to others.
We sit there, staring at the device that lets us have the world our fingertips
The device that can tell us everything we would ever need.
But instead we scroll.
We scroll and we scroll until our mind rots and its filled with lies and wrong opinions.
We scroll because we want to be like everyone else-
See the same memes,
Watch the same videos.

But how are we to stop it?
For we were only children when they were given.
We didn't know the worry, the stress, the addiction it would cause.
We didn't know how to stop it.

So I look in the mirror,
But a ghost stares back,
A shell of my former self.
A ghost stares back,
QR codes for pupils,
Trends for a voice,
The internet for a soul.

For we are all being roughly shaped
So we all act the same
Do the same
Talk the same
Be the same.

So I guess our parents were right.
It was the phones.

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