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Seeing as it was now the 19th, nearly everyone had gone home, including the rest of the Scobells.

The only people left now were Momona, Walker, Leah, Daniel, Connor, Brady, and me of course.

Brady and Connor were still here because they were going to Disneyland with their parents and sister tomorrow and I live in Vegas, so it was less gas for them to get there.


Mona and Leah were still here because they wanted to be, and Danny because Mona is his ride back to Canada.

Walker's here until he decides not to be.


(So off topic but I just munched down a PB&J)

Walker and I were currently cuddled up on my bed, everyone else downstairs as the clock tick tock tick tocked toward noon.

"Are we going to lay here all day?" Walker asks quietly, his hand rubbing up and down my back.

"Are you complaining?" I ask, stifling a chuckle.

"Not at all." Walker immediately answers. "I'm only asking because my arm is falling asleep."

"Do you want me to move?" I ask, making him laugh.

"Yeah." Walker answers. "Wanna watch a movie or something though?"

"Sure." I tell him as I lift my body off his arm, which he retracts.

Walker sits up against my pillows and pulls me up into his lap, his arm wrapped around me, his other hand on my leg, and me head on his shoulder.

I grab the remote from my nightstand and turn onto Netflix, putting on Julie and the Phantoms.

"What's this?" Walker asks me as the pilot episode begins.

"Julie and the Phantoms, my most recent obsession." I tell him. "Just watch."

We sit there for a while until the first episode is over, Walker grinning while I sang the song in the episode.

"I don't get it." Walker says as the credits roll.

"How." I ask, pausing the show before the second episode begins.

"Explain it to me." Walker requests. "I don't get where those guys came from."

"They died 25 years before this, okay? And they have unfinished business, so when that girl, Julie, played their CD, their spirits came back." I tell him.

"What's their unfinished business though?" Walker asks.

"You'd find out if you stopped asking questions so we could watch the show." I remind him with a grin and a chuckle.

"Shut up." He laughs before playing the show.

"What're you guys doin?" Leah asks as she and Momona came into the room.

"Aww, cute." Mo grins as she sees us, flopping onto the foot of my bed.

"Yeah whatcha guys doing?" Danny asks as he, Brady, and Connor walk in right after them.

"Ew, gross." Connor says as he looks at us, making everyone in the room laugh.

"So glad everyone came up." I say sarcastically. "You must be wondering why we didn't ask you here."

"That's basically my line!" I hear my dad shout from the hall.

"Suck it up!" I yell back with a laugh.

"So anyways." Brady speaks up.

"We were just wondering what y'all have been doing all damn morning." Mo speaks, Danny hiding a chuckle.

"I thought you guys were hanging out with Ryan and Blake." Walker speaks up. "James, Betty, and Inez too."

"Yeah, uh, Ryan handed Betty a mini bouquet of flowers then they got ready to leave." Connor shrugs as we hear the car start.

"Yeah, what's that about?" Brady asks me.

Oh no. Fuck. Shit. Fuck.

"Shit." I say, out loud this time.

"Shit? Shit what?" Momona repeats.

"What's wrong Delph?" Leah asks.

"It's Betty's birthday, I totally forgot." I rub my hands over my face. "Gods, I'm the worst sister ever. I've been up here with Walker while they were getting ready to take her out for her birthday."

"Who all went?" Walker asks them, rubbing my back reassuringly.

"Just Ryan and Betty." Danny tells us. "Everyone else is still downstairs."

"So they probably just went out for lunch." I think. "I need to get her present wrapped, I've had it for literal months and I forgot it was today."

"You've had it for months?" Brady asks.

"Do you even have our presents yet? It's in 2 days by the way." Connor speaks up.

"Yes, I have your presents. And I have Walker's too." I tell them as I get out of Walker's lap and move into my closet, opening the correct drawer and grabbing the custom doll and clothes.

"She's obsessed with Barbies, so I got her one." I tell them.

"It looks like Elizabeth." Walker observes. "But like as Wanda."

"It is." I confirm. "She's in love. Well, not in love. She's obsessed with Wanda Maximoff, so I was going to get her one since she doesn't have one yet, but I couldn't find any. So I got a custom one. Lizzy picked the clothes herself, and she's supposed to come drop by."

"When exactly?" Connor asks quickly. "Asking for a friend of course.."

"At 2." I roll my eyes at him.

"You mean in 10 minutes?" Leah asks, my eyes widening.

"This is your fault." I turn to Walker, jokingly blaming him to cope with the freaking out currently going on in my head.

"HOW!" Walker asks loudly, laughing after as they all follow me downstairs.

"Forget something?" My mom asks teasingly as I rush into her craft room, quickly finding Betty's favorite pink wrapping paper and wrapping up the present.

Momona comes in and ties a bow on it before I write my name on the box and envelope for the card.

The card in question simply says '"You Are My Sadness And My Hope. But Mostly, You're My Love."', since she knows Wanda said it in one of the Marvel movies.

She's turning 4, and her memory is better than mine.

"Oh gods, she's starting preschool soon." I quietly say to myself as I come out of the craft room.

My mom nods. "Tell me about it. I'll have no more babies soon."

"I'm still all for a little brother, just so you remember." I remind her, giving her the same request I had been since I was 7 and James was a girl.

"They're eating lunch then coming, so they'll be here in like, 30 minutes." My mom tells me as I hear a knock on the door.

I walk over and look through the peep hole as my friends all sit on the couch, and I'm too preoccupied opening the door for Elizabeth to swoon over Walker playing with Inez.

Hey y'all.

Originally this wasn't gonna be Betty's birthday, it was gonna be Ryan and Blake's anniversary, but then I decided I want to do their anniversary on the actual day of it, so I changed it.

Anyways some cute #Walki for you in this chapter.

Also, I think I need help.

I've finished the first 3 books of the Shatter Me series in less than 2 weeks💀

Im obsessed with Warner😩

He's serving Cunt and he's radiating BDE.

You can't convince me I'm wrong.

Anywho, toodles.

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